Technically, the robbery only resulted in Harris being put on probation.
In his defense, it was West Virginia. so the odds that someone was familiar with a number as high as 96 were pretty remote.
"Double Penetration delivers 4 minutes of ball-cupping, soaking wet, all-guy action with the rim-rocking finishes you've cum to expect."
And I thought Ubisoft hated piracy.
Cespedesing [sic?] is really catching on, isn't it?
Asian Athlete Takes Stand Against Intolerance
To Kobayashi's horror, after finishing the gallon of milk, he remembered he had 25 bowls of dry Cap'n Crunch to finish.
Bullshit. Everyone knows that can't be real.
/puts down NL Central standings
That's not a mustache that's a shock absorber for a high speed cock sucker.
Pool Dunking- At least we don't have to worry about the black kids dominating.
I agree. I wish we could see a Helghast pedestrian zone, complete with civilians, women, homes etc. We only ever see their army.
And how come their leaders haven't lost their hair or ability to breathe correctly?! I never understood that!
Here are two of the most nominated PC games of the year 2008:
Killzone has always struck me as a pretty fun game in search of some good lore. The graphics and gameplay are good, but it is in service to such a boring world.
If you dont want to waste 9 minutes of a guy talking and showing off his frags, the easter egg is at 6:14 (or at the final seconds of the video).
Its in the Game its in the game.
Last year DICE was threatening to ban accounts for color editing in-game, saying it made the game "too colorful".
It's too bad BF3 can't be modded on the PC, imagine all of the cool stuff people could come up with. As it is, we're stuck with the occasional Easter egg.