Unfortunately, having your superiors tell you to “ignore him” is the rule, not the exception.
Unfortunately, having your superiors tell you to “ignore him” is the rule, not the exception.
Eerf. Those baggy-ass pants, tho.
NO. Oprah’s influence was a mixed bag and I think it would have waned with the increase of cordcutting types. She was the US’s therapist and had a global influence in a lot of great causes, but she also promoted a LOT of bullshit. I feel she’s part of the reason we have parents adopting quack treatments for their…
She wasn’t on ABC. Her show was syndicated, so it really depended on where lived. For years, it aired on NBC where I live, but then it switched over to CBS (and towards the end an encore of the previous days episode would air on CW at like 10 PM).
Oh, noooo, I’m not just talking about that. She’s found something new:
This might work for some people, but I personally worked until the day I delivered my first 2. And with my third I was home with the older two. I just don’t see people being able to put their responsibilities on hold for what could be a several week wait. Maternity leave, even if available, is short enough in this…
Agreed, but I’m ok with that.
She sucks.
Fuck this transphobic, racist, holding down the Bloods, piece of trash.
I wish the clueless white person, Kathie Lee, would just go away.
I’ve tried to like/understand the appeal here and I don’t get it. (I’m old, but not that old.) The song is no different or better than the seemingly endless “trap” songs saturating the world right now. And she is not any more charismatic, goodlooking than any other female artist out there. Nor is she an exceptional…
She had influence and then she supported Obama instead of Hillary and that pissed off her core audience of white women. When she started OWN, the network basically catered to that demographic with boring tv shows and they did not watch. OWN didn’t start to pop until she marketed shows to black audiences & got Tyler…
Why is she getting free publicity again?
She didn’t really leave ABC. The Oprah Winfrey Show was syndicated through her company, KingWorld. The issue is not really the network she’s on or where she’s on, it’s about the content. People want to the the Oprah they know in the daily talk show format.
I was just discussing this yesterday! I’m in the midwest and I know that Oprah had a positive impact on my white family members. My mom and aunts watched everyday and were introduced to new authors and black culture. She was able to strike this perfect welcoming balancing of influencing viewers without “scaring them…
1. Just for Queen Sugar and when I’m visiting my parents. There was some other show they liked that I thought was great. but I don’t watch a ton of TV.
Ugh. Please don’t tell me this is “500 Days of Megyn”