Siege Mentality

But Pain aux raisin comes in an appealing spiral shape that you can slowly unfurl to get at the delicious and moist’s kind of like cinnamon buns, but with raisins and no icing. Not that I am obsessed with it or anything.

What is this about kids not being allowed to have best friends? Is this a thing now? It horrifies me as an introvert who has always had one or two intimate, dear friends. I’m still traumatized by my 5th grade teacher’s crusade to make me and my BFF at the time stop socializing with each other at recess and mingle

And when he hits the other public school kids he can scream, “THESE ARE THE DROIDS YOU WERE LOOKING FOR”

At first glance I thought this article was from The Onion or The Borowitz Report.

freshly baked pain aux raisins

What a gross and inaccurate thing to say.

Could you not!...well just a little...behind the ear.

Well, it does sound like something that would be advertised on commercial breaks for conservative talk radio or Fox News.


Could be worse...

Is there even one POC in this commercial?

they picked medals. Medals? MEDALS?!? WHAT?

And it’s not like it was the kids demanding they receive participation awards. It’s their parents’ fault!

He’s just jealous of David Clarke:

I also think the fact that she was originally sentenced to death might make a difference. to how people respond to this. Life without parole was already better than what she was supposed to have gotten.

Welcome to the Fourth Reich.

You, sir, are a humanitarian.

This is why I outsource my hotness. There’s another guy out there dealing with all of that getting hit on and managing various relationships and getting offers to star in movies. Too much work.

Being a toddler sounds like a pretty sweet gig, tbh.