Siege Mentality

I thought it was a line from Jurassic Park?

Heh. Nicely done.

Clever girl.

OMG, what the hell is happening with that? Has any staff mentioned it? Was there a crazy spam attack? Robot overlords?

The comment section of local city newspapers is always a horror show. Usually makes YouTube comments seem calm and measured in comparison. The comments on for the Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News) is an absolute shit show of racism and ignorance.


I worked myself into a rage debating with people over at Seattle Times in the comment section. Why did I do that to myself? I hate everything now.

Bristol once again ruining the reputation of the entire Westcountry.

What did I just read?

I am dead now. Dead from laughing.


This is the correct take.

This dance has been done by women in all cultures and societies since the dawn of time

I mean, oversized shirts with shoulder pads do me no favors, but everything else? BRING IT. Bright makeup and neon and large crazy hair and ankle boots, yes please.

Story time. (Yes, I know I’ve told this before, but it has been awhile.)

This is good and I hope it goes well. But the cynic in me thinks there will be a “where did the money go?” scandal in a year’s time.

Celebrities have been making large donations from their personal funds to aid survivors of Hurricane Harvey in Houston. Now they’re planning to donate their time in a classic multi-network telethon.

So like 1 minute into the trailer I was like, I’m down with this. This is me in 1999. Especially the line about unspecial sex. It was unspecial for me too. I was definitely underwhelmed that first go.

Started a Masters program and a new relationship, so I’ve been busy :)

It won’t tank. She should have named her new album Molly Brown because she’s unsinkable.