Siege Mentality

Seriously. I came here to say this. I’m like... wait, did kids decide white horse means something else now?

... Cooter crystals.

I give you all my stars today.

All I’m saying is those studs right on her backside is a form of masochism. Please send help to Miley.

I’m starting a revolt...

Yeah. No. You’re not cute. Let’s not conflate a racist punk attacking poc with a fight or flight response.

Look, I know I grew up in a rough neighborhood, but when the cops showed up there’d be four acid burned people stomping on a limp body in the train station.

How does one person manage to burn four people with acid in a train station and manage to get away to show off pics of her burns? How?

Yeah, the birth mother wasn’t the best episode. I mean, it was good, but I wish they’d spent more than one episode on that.

Eh, my babysitter had HBO. Remember HBO in the early 80s? It was like 10 movies and Fraggle Rock recycled all month. I couldn’t tell you how many times we saw 9 to 5, Pirates, Blue Lagoon, Star Wars, etc.

Nooooooooo! That was the worst.

Overshare: I watched 9 to 5 so many times as a kid, my friends and I would fight over the roles and say the lines along with the movie. We were kids. We didn’t get most of the humor.

Yeah, I was like... what?

I am not a Mariah fan. The past ten or so years she’s devolved into a spoiled drunken troll.

... but Honey from this album will forever be in my playlist.

All I’m saying is Hannah looks too young to remember when every Danielle Steele book was turned into a movie of the week.

I cannot get behind anything Danielle Steele while remembering all the horrible movies my girlfriends forced me to watch back then.

Oh no, that would have been too fancy. They have this huge candy machine that dispenses all the cheap stuff that you gave away when you got it trick or treating. The really cheap stuff that you can get huge bags of at the dollar store.

It will, I think they just pushed it back into season 8.

In their Bob Newhart ending, 11 year old Bran wakes up in bed with Summer.

Honestly, I knew what was happening in every episode of season seven months ago. The scripts were leaked, and I thought it was just fan fiction when I watched the youtubes about the leaks.

Every single scene with one minor exception was true.

IN Atlantic City proper? They must be new. When I lived there, the closest one was actually on the border of AC and Ventnor. As soon as you crossed into Ventnor, there was a Wawa.

Came here for this meme. Not disappointed.

You have no idea what sort of bureaucracy is involved in something as fucking simple as putting appropriate travel products in a rest stop shop. The people have just given up ever trying to improve that place.