Siege Mentality

Read their comments on anything that could possibly be construed as feminism / feminist. If the article is questioning an actor’s role in a film because it is problematic, go deep into those comments. The hate is real.

I mean, the AV Clubbers seem to think that every Kinjite is a plebe, but comments I’ve seen specific

Here’s my hot take:

Amal has George by the balls not because of her physical appearance, her career, or her intelligence. He’s had all of these things a dozen ways from a dozen other women that were desperate to hold onto him. Amal brought George to his knees by not allowing him to charm her. See his reaction to that

I was removing them during the 80s though. So many people were, that a lot of them were velcro.

Naughty knickers. Oh you fucking Brits, why do you always have to be so damn cute all the time?

Oh, that too. I didn’t think of that one. I got a bunch of references to the Rainbow Six shooter game.

Well, that’s shitastic. I mean, how is anyone supposed to get out of the greys now? I finally got lucky after five or so years of lurking around and collecting a few thousand stars. I’m still greyed on all the other pages, and I read quite a bit of Lifehacker, Gizmodo, and now AV Club. (Though, AV Club doesn’t seem to

I had to look this one up, I don’t play shooters, but well played!

I should note I’ve had this username on many platforms since... uh... 2001ish?

This. So much this. I just...


No, Megan, just no... I have very thick thighs and calves that don’t match. Even when I was 19 and in great shape, my thighs and hips have always been too big for my calves and waist.

I look like I’m wearing hand me down jeans in skinny jeans. I have to go plan a recommitment ceremony to mom jeans now.

... This video is all sorts of alarming. The lynxes are not paying a bit of attention to the truck? The guy opens his window and sticks his phone out to catch audio?

I’d be like, if these lynxes don’t give a fuck, how do I know there isn’t a third one waiting for me to hang my arm out the truck?

For shame, how can you talk about a book that empowers women and not include anything by JK Rowling? I mean... ANYTHING.


Ok, so it’s business as usual within the party. Nothing to see here, move along...

YAAAAAS! YAAAAAAAAAAAS! Bring me all the stirrup pants, legwarmers, and big hair! I’m tired of looking at kids dressed like it’s the 70s. Whether it was the first 70s nostalgia, or the 90s inspired by the 70s nostalgia, or might be 90s nostalgia but it’s really 70s nostalgia gone wrong. FUCK ALL OF IT!

I want to stress that there were many in the congregation who supported my right to free speech, yet were uncomfortable with the attention the church was receiving.

If you knew one thing about Ally McBeal, it was they had a co-ed bathroom. Every time we get another redneck hollering about trans people in the wrong bathroom, I think of this damn show. I didn’t even watch it.

Just casually drop her into the restricted section of your friends list. It’s a wonderful feature that has silenced all those people that I really don’t want to have to deal with the “y u unfrand me” texts.

I’m pretty sure my mother is right there with you. I was about the only kid she could stand, and even that was in small doses. She knew that to get me to shut up and go away she just needed to cough up a book. I had a huge library by the time I was 15.