This magic is from a very weird South African rap duo. The music will have you rolling your eyes so hard you nearly pass out, but their visuals are so gif worthy....
Completely off topic, but the young woman in the center is absolutely gorgeous.
Use the force and bring them to Australia.
Wasn’t he the asshole friend in Deadpool?
Wow. I was a kid when Garbage Pail Kids were collectible cards. I didn’t even know a movie happened.
I watched the bulk of Dancing with the Stars religiously every year from the very first season. (I’ve an addiction to dance shows.) DWTS always had some campy fun, but it wasn’t until they decided to start mining ultra-conservative types that I couldn’t stomach it anymore. The trend started in season 11 with Sarah…
Can we... try? I mean, I hit my stride in the 80s, and I’d like to sport big hair again for a couple years before I’m completely grey.
I was born in the early 70s. All this crap reminds me of thrift store stuff my mom dressed me in while I begged for Jordache jeans.
Rich, you have failed us. You did not include some Dancing with the Stars cheese starring Willa Ford.
This is very 70s. Are we recycling the 70s again?
Go fuck yourself, you ignorant, condescending, superiority-complex-having, basic bitch.
“Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender.”- Alice Walker
When did the word question get equated with “not OK”?