
While I'm glad that sexual assault in the military is getting more attention, it does seem like the male victims get overlooked a lot. Just look at the controversy surrounding the documentary The Invisible War which was addressed in a past Jezebel article:…

The bar for what constitutes racism has been raised so high in America that racists like Paula Deen and many of her supporters aren't even aware of it when they reveal their racism. You can thank the last two Bush administrations for a lot of that, because they created policies in the wake of the 9/11 attacks that

Actually, no, I meant white people. Next time I'll be sure to revise that to white people minus PortraitOfMmeX and their friends. Sorry if after the last few days of watching people tap dance around a grown woman's blatant racism - calling black people monkeys and wanting to reenact a plantation era wedding - I

Personally, I hope she loses ALL of her endorsements. Watching the white tears flood FN's facebook page made me so happy. White people looooove saying the n-word, but punish them for it and they get mad and even more racist if possible. They are scared and threatened, because it means maybe one day they, too, may be

In general terms, they are. In terms of race, it's pretty iffy.

Just adding to the voices begging you to please, for the love of all that is British, STOP LINKING TO THE DAILY MAIL. I wouldn't let my cat shit on that paper and I certainly don't want to see it constantly paraded out like the annoying, bigoted British cousin with bad teeth that all the Americans pretend to hate but

This site is becoming more insular, stupid, ignorant, lazy, and bigoted by the week. Are you seriously doing this post? Is this really happening?

Jesus, America. Why are you all reading the Daily Mail? Do you not have your own trashy, poorly written, hate rags you can quote? Getting sick of seeing Jezebel link to the Daily Mail like it is the guide to what's happening in the UK. Here, it's nothing but a sick joke to anyone with even half a brain. Please stop

I lived there for 5 years and am married to a Brit - frankly this survey sounds like a bunch of bollocks! If anything Brits are brilliant at self-deprication and taking the mickey whilst the rest of us over here in North America-land are up or own arses - sure we may be smiling but in that way you do when wincing

I'm British, and actually, nope. looks like you've got some issues, mate. Don't try to tar us all with the same brush. Especially one which paints daddy issues and emotional abuse.

yeah and Americans are fucking obsessed with Love Actually. I'm sure its more popular in the US than in Britain.

It sure as shit wasn't the "dominant colonial power" in the U.S. circa WWII when we rounded up Americans of Japanese ancestry and sent them to internment camps.

Right— appropriating Harajuku girls in America by a White woman.

Oh, sweetheart. You must be really new around here. That's okay because, lucky for me, I don't actually need your approval of how I choose to respond to stupid ass comments, regardless of intent. See how that works? Yeah........

That has nothing to do with anything. What are their feelings on black people, particularly black men and young black teenagers? Do they hold adverse feelings toward them? That's the main concern.

I'm confused. I thought this was a feminist blog, yet we think the discussion of Kate's eye makeup so terribly important. Whatever you think about the existence of a British royal family or all the publicity surrounding same, who really gives a rotten you-know-what how someone from that family chooses to paint their