
This women is amazing, but what is going on in America with these anti-abortion bills is scary as someone living in the UK i never realised how privileged we are when it comes to healthcare, abortion and contraception rights, i just wish it was like that for my American friends but you guys will win in the end

I think they will strike it down because society is changing here in the UK the leader of the Conservative Party (and Prime Minister) is the one pushing for same-sex marriage that would have never happened 10 or even 5 years ago, i know the percentage for support of same-sex marriage is not as high as it is the UK but

Here in the UK she is hated, even Daily Fail readers hate her, i do not think she is famous only people online know about her, which is a good thing..

Why would anyone read the Daily Fail i have noticed that a lot of Americans read it and use it as a source (Jezebel) here in the UK it is hated.

I don't even know where to start, in Hollywood POC's have hardly any representation a lot of recent films have been white washed Asian characters aka Last Airbender, Dragonball movie ect. Having a white guy play an Asian Character is whitewashing because of how oppressed non-whites are in Hollywood having a

What how can anyone be annoyed by Graham Norton he is amazing.

On a legal level there is not which is what i was referring to here it would be against the EU courts of human rights, of course there is natural segregation in the UK i have felt it, and actually as someone who is not white and is now living in the UK and has lived in America i know all about racism/ segregation in

What the hell are you going on there is no segregation in the UK in 2013, that is in America where you can have a black prom and a white prom not the UK.

No Nigs is a racist term and it has always been used as a racist term here in the UK (my Grandad used to be called that when he visited the UK when he was younger), where are you from?

Question how is that fat-shaming they did not say anything negative, all they were doing is pointing out the obvious that they are fat and white.

Erm WTF how was John Galliano treated too harshly he was treated the same way Paula Deen, when dealing with racists or anti-semitics the backlash or punishment is never too harsh they get what they deserve, sigh i swear people on here will defend anyone.

Wow at you being racist, the way Americans talk about Romani is disgusting and how they use racial slurs like Gypsy, Gypped and Pikey and here people in this post are trying to say that America is not that racist, rme.

Same with Americans both Countries can not have moral superiority over each other because America is now the new British Empire. and a lot (not all) of Americans do not care that innocent civilians are being killed because they are brown and not American, it is fucked up that America can get away with anything and so

I dunno i used to live on the same road as a BNP member and he was racist and vile but nothing compared when i went to America and met Tea Baggers and Republicans we left early because of the threats and racial abuse, all these far right-parties are the same full of racists.

The BNP is not white only party that is against the law now , the stuff that the BNP says would be taken more seriously in US seeing as so many Republicans have used racial slurs and said the same thing that BNP members have said, here in the UK we label the Republicans far-right wing because of how racist they yet in

Compared to other European Countries it is more progressive but compared to the UK it is very similar , racism here is not tolerated as i have arrested a few white Americans for racially abusing me, both Countries are just as racist, sexist and homophobic as each other.

Erm here in the UK it is not acceptable to be racist seeing as you can get arrested, UK and America are both equally as racist, sexist and homophobic as each other, not one of those Countries is better to live in (i have lived in both) but they are both ahead of other European Countries and Australia.

I live in the UK and it is like America, both countries are equally as racist as each other we have the BNP they are the same as the Tea Party, however the Tea Party in America is much more powerful and popular than the BNP, we also have UKIP it is not as bad as the Tea Party and they will never win.

No the U.S. does not have gay marriage only a few states do , also all across the UK civil unions are legal and in America it is only legal in a few states.

No country in the world is racism free, the Countries that are similar with each other are American and Britain because of the way they do not have tolerance for racism (In the UK since the Olympics hate speech has been getting stricter).