
I will have my popcorn handy. The folks who are currently applauding the death of the e-vehicle tax credit because ‘the market can’t make the business case for hybrids’ will be there stating that the oil industry needs to be propped up with my tax dollars to ‘preserve quality jobs’ and ‘maintain national security.’

Because oil’s death spiral won’t be caused by the world running out of it. It’ll be because we don’t want it.

To be completely accurate, Peak Oil won’t really happen when there’s Not One Drop of oil left - there will always be oil in the Earth, probably lots of it.

A 4-seat convertible for less than $10k without the names “Chrysler” and “Sebring” attached to it? Sure, why not. Nice Price.

Hey- nuclear war could be great too! Just think- We no longer need lights at night because everything will be glowing!

Only in the short term. If we keep on, business as usual, everyone and everything loses, long term. There are no winners in that scenario.

It doesn’t work like that. Because of the way persistent growth and decay establish the basis of arable land, permafrost land is generally not arable because it’s been locked up outside of the cycle of fertilization, decomposition, and aeration, for thousands or tens of thousands of years. Think of the difference

If you aren’t already scared to death about global warming, then this should rock you back a bit. When the ice goes, so does Florida. And when Florida goes, we are all moving north. We will live next door to you. Be your neighbors. Date your daughters.

No, I’m pretty sure any gains will be short term and we’ll all lose in the end.

Holy shit what is with the sudden influx of commenters saying “well, climate change can be good too!”

Keep in mind that just because a boat can travel from China to Europe X days faster doesn’t mean they just turn it off for 5 days, saving the pollution. They’ll just turn it around and go back to China, burning bunker oil the whole way. A container ship that is sitting still is a container ship that isn’t making

The oceans becoming acidified and killing many coral and fish species is still a problem.

I have a list, in no particular order:

Trump has put foxes in charge of the various chicken coops so far. (Or puts destructively clueless people in charge) So like what? You expect him to look out for citizens’ rights and safety now?

We all have that one co worker who takes casual Friday a little too far

Yeah, and any exec asked will think that way even if Trump - whose worldview seems to be a minimum of 20 years out of date, much more in some areas - is firmly stuck in the early-Nader “safety doesn’t sell” era.

Second gear: Nissan and Mitsubishi are both in deep, deep trouble. The cars Nissan has been cranking out the last few years are comprehensively terrible. We had a rental Altima two summers ago that was vastly outshined by a 1999 Camry with 230k miles that we borrowed after returning the Altima. Given the choice, if

1st gear: Most car company’s these days aren’t struggling to meet crash safety requirements. There are some notable recalls and impacts to consumer safety (Chrysler’s electronic shifters, GM’s ignition switch, Takahata airbags, etc.), but I don’t think that hiring an auto executive would result in deregulation. Anyone