
Yes, science is sometimes referred to as "the science". For example, while discussing recent findings/results that are an anomaly to previous research someone inevitably says, "But the science indicates this to be valid…" or something to that effect. Of course there are times when we make the "crazy science" too!

Oh no, not underground parking!!!

"Helena, what did you do"?

God and Queen. Oh Canada!!

"A post made of fists, I think".

Makes you wonder what boarding school Delphine attended.

Ya..we try to suck less on a few things…

Did an anvil drop when Shay said, "I used to play that game with my brothers"? Is she referring to the Castor boys by chance?

Hands are a very, very important component in lady/lady lovin' and subsequently much revered. Nice touch keeping Delphine's nails short ;)

The manicure scene with Delphine and Krystal was oddly erotic. Almost like Delphine was checking her out or maybe giving her the eye…

Clonecest? Sestracest??

Helena's tool of choice for a mani/pedi.

That would make for an awful long commute to the nail salon, which featured TTC buses driving past the window every few seconds.

I noticed that Krystal's last name was Goderich, which is a town north of London, Ontario. I wonder what the writer was thinking…if anything.

Now imagine Helena saying that.

You can tell Scott's a professional student - he uses a number 2 pencil.

Orange is the new Orphan Black??

Given Helena's unique "conflict resolution code" as witnessed with Mrs. S. in this episode I'd love to see her with the Hendrix kids at the neighbourhood park in the next…Helena in the 'burbs….shudder.

Point is we're not complaining about the heterosexual scenes but you're complaining about those that are homosexual in nature.

Even better - ring tones.