
This just in: Square Enix Live Service Looter Shoot game launches in unfinished state with lack of content, fun, and a series of crippling bugs.

Why can’t they be both?

This his how I buy my new computers. Just got a new one after seven years, basically on points alone.

He should start a support group with that attorney fellow, Murdock.

Counter point on New Gods...Marvel was questioned about launching Guardians, which was fairly early in the Marvel era. If New Gods was a good movie, I think it would have sold. Otherwise agree with most of your points.

I would not say it is his fault, but he had a hand in it. He wanted Snyder and thought he would be a good filmmaker to bring out Superman. Snyder can do good films, but he is simply not a good fit for the Man of Steel.

Dude, if you are going to drop the fig leaf of fraud, that makes it pretty much voter suppression as your only rationale. Are you using voter suppression as a tactic to encourage Republican voting? I thought I was cynical!

Tried that....even tried lowering below 48kHz. Thanks for the suggestion but it did not seem to work.