
Whoa. Silenced and censored? Seriously? There is absolutely nothing at all stopping him from laying out his plan. He has been asked about it on cable news and in the press, and he could have as much time as he wants to explain it. Progressives (some of whom actually are socialists) have been laying out the details of

They are left-wing white nationalists. I’ve been disappointed at how many there are.

God, seriously. My friends are fellow 30-somethings who have never fucking voted and now suddenly are pissed about bureaucracy being bureaucracy. Shit, I had my political awakening freshman year of high school with the Bush/Gore election. How are these adults who grew up during 9/11, the Bush years, and the Obama

Are they both straight white citizens? The woman, yes but she's probably (not certainly but probably) past the age of having to worry about being forced to continue an unwanted pregnancy. My opinion is that many of these supporters honestly can't consider the effect of policies on people other than themselves.

Bernie Bros have to deal with the cognitive dissonance of both hating the Democratic Party, while also relying on it to adequately promote their platform. Which is why all this anti-solidarity rhetoric from him and his Brown Shirt cronies is so misleading, disingenuous, and frustrating. You don’t know how many times I

he had a chance to provide real leadership yesterday but released a very enabling statement instead. I'm starting to get very worried.

It can’t be a millenial thing because it’s not just them. The two people I’ve mentioned in my comments are 35 and 44. So I don’t think it’s an age thing.

You don't have the right to threaten people with bodily harm. That's fucking assault and it's illegal.

I just visit his website and he didn’t say HOW he would dismantle the big banks and what he would put in their place.

I'm starting to wonder if it really is about Millennials thinking everything is about them and having no experience with long-term problems - just assuming they are entitled to instant gratification. Like they are stomping their feet and saying "it's not fair" and then telling the olds that we need to wake up and see

“Free/subsidized college education” and “dismantle the big banks” are not plans, they’re bullet points.

So it is okay that people are threatening this woman and her family?

Hey, remember this? SandersFans are such nice guys!

The Dem convention will be in Philly and as someone who’s parents are from North Philly and who grew up in the Philly burbs, I don’t recommend marching on the convention. If shit goes down, fair warning, Philly people and cops are rough.

So weird. I almost got into a fight (verbal, of course) the other day with an otherwise lovely woman who’s in my book club over Bernie and the “conspiracy” of delegates and superdelegates. I agree that the way delegates are assigned and superdelegates can vote is ridiculous and would be fine with doing away with it

Yes. Do you even know the institutions you want to disrupt? Because you are alienating the people who do know and do want to disrupt, dismantle and or change them.

That’s unfortunate but it’s positive proof that it doesn’t matter what jersey one wears. There will always be the insufferable malcontent trying to tell everyone they “just don’t GET IT” until nobody wants to listen anymore. It’s people like this that make politics reeeeally difficult to care about for the large

Exactly! Do what? What are you doing? What are you building to replace the institutions you want to shred in a froth of self-righteous zeal?

Relying on “revolution” IS TERRIBLE POLICY. Period. No matter what. That a revolution may be necessary or inevitable is something different and often the only path to any kind of freedom or dignity, but revolution is only, always, the first step towards something different and better. To decide that constant revolt is

Yes! This is exactly what I get with a bit more cursing. How dare someone question feasibility of Bernie’s plans or want to talk logistics. “We will do it without you!” Do what? There can't even be a conversation about feasibility and logistics. Thanks for the support? Support for what.