
Holes was literally only good for having a movie on in the classroom and not having to do some sheit assignment with a sub as the real teacher was out.

Touchee touchee.

It’s a sad fact that there are more that would star this up.

I used to be an edgelord jerk, too. I grew up Then I got laid.

Is 8 Mile honestly the most current thing you could use to mock-reference “cool”? *shudders*

To be fair, being married to you is the worst insult your wife can have lobbed at her, so none of us here can light her up as good as her legally-binding contract to associating with you has already.

Your poor sister-wife. May whatever spaghetti monster you believe have mercy on her whatever you quantify as a soul.

This man need to stay off my name. Damn, he got like 20 of ‘em already! 😂

I think Joe Rogan is like the Big Kids Burger King meal for grown-ass man children? I don’t think true-ass lil’ kids are into Rogan. I may be wrong, and I am sure there is some hick-ass cracker family that holds one kid that listens to Rogan “because pa does”.

Yo, did your dad ask why he was into this person, and why he thought he should try to get your dad in on it? Cos as a parent, that’d be my cue to try to figure it out and kibosh it.

It is in bad form to mock things people cannot control, true.

I sympathize with parents because even the vigilant ones can’t catch everything their kids do or see online.

Right shame he’d wanna hide his emotions but he’s cool with those teeth.

I mean, Tyler’s parents are probably low-middle, so in his mind (that of a 6th grader) he probably does think he has a lot of money.

I am saying. I mean, I know the economy is sheit, but legally inall states a 6th grader can’t get a job.

I think it’s multiple things in tandem, not just this douchenozzle. Most of these douchenozzles are connected, so it’s really a chain of douchenozzles?

You can’t know our pressures, and stresses, despite how much you think you do.

It’s ... really not that hard, bro. And even as a comedy take, this is weak, as it only opens you up to your clear and present ability to remain limited by yourself.

Lol, necessary outrage tucked neatly to the aside:

Lol, I love how these gimmick’s keep cropping up, because on some level I feel we all know this is a lame form of entertainment. It does need some spectacle for sure, because like wrestling or NASCAR, it is not a real sport centered on anything athletic, and the skill is elementary hand/eye.