
None of them? Plenty of patently obvious things are patented (ex: any software patent). Things as simple as the wheel have been patented plenty of times (read: multitouch, reading e-mail over a wireless network, etc.)

So, as a user of a 64-bit linux, I should assume to doubly never get this update?

Ah yes, correlation always implies causation. I must have forgotten how conclusions are drawn in science.

Should we say congrats? She gets offended by getting called hot, and then implies that same quality will get her another job (which probably won't last, because she seems to get offended very easily). People have to put up with shit to get anywhere, grow a pair.

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" - Ben Franklin

Woo yeah, right as I'll be graduating from college, it will be partially obsoleted.

If anything it's 2D since it's the position on the line (1 dimension) plus the time to define each point..

I want it, but I probably will get it confiscated if I ever try to use it... and anyways, it would seem like such a waste to waste such a strong processor for trivial sine curves..

@shadomouse: Actually, I didn't know how easy it was to circumvent DRM. I absolutely refuse to support the likes of DRM, but now that I know how easy it is to fix, the Kindle goes to the top of my list to buy (when the paycheck comes..).

, fr n, wlcm r Mrs-cd-sng vrlrds.

I don't know about you guys, but every time I saw a new flag I thought of "challenger approaching" from super smash bros. And then I saw the purple UK and immediately cursed Ganondorf for nuclear fallout.

@Squalor: Yep, they surrender more of their money than anyone else.

But wouldn't every brain connection be different for every person? Or would that just be the strength of the connections...

@zjgz: Plus we get free food for everyone!

*sigh* I bet it looks pretty sweet, but I can't look at it because I'm using Ubuntu and Microsoft hasn't ported it over yet..

Disney is downloading it, DISNEY. I'm sure someone, somewhere can have a field day with this and ruin a bit of Disney's fun, especially with their dead-set policy against piracy. Please, I beg of it.

I read that whole article with one eyebrow up. Seems like Jesus is reading wayy too far into Apple's profit scheme. It seems they just want another dongle (with huge markups) to sell you, with you to fill in the gaps of how it's more useful than a mouse. I'm gonna have to say no, you're probably wrong with most or

I was getting all hyped up for this, but then I realized Amazon still uses crappy DRM on all of its books. Not gonna bother until that goes away. Besides that deal breaker, it seems like a great update to an already decent product (it's half the price it was a year before, that's right, a year!)

Function is always paramount to form in my mind. Bland is the way of a dark horse. Form is passe and changes by the season (read: seasonal, fad clothing), while function is always needed. All the "character" I need from a TV is as perfect a picture as possible and little to no bezel. All the "class" I need from a