And then you remembered Trump would never do that
And then you remembered Trump would never do that
“See, here is me actually touching a black!”
When told the media was focused on a negative slant, President Trump said Tiger’s mother was actually a wonderful woman.
I too would like to have relationships with rich, morally corrupt individuals, who can help increase my wealth and clout, without having to justify it in those terms to the world.
Oregonians (and to a lesser extent Washingtonians)
As a Washingtonian, Oregon drivers are the worst.
Glad to see their game against Brighton and Hove Albion went according to plan but really it’s was just what they’ve been able to do all year. They were deadly against Frimsby FC, solid against Quival Town, had that stellar comeback against Vinswich Passage, blanked Buscestershire (both at home and at Wriggleby Road)…
Last year’s loss was excruciating but excusable. They were missing Chris Paul and it was possible to look at 0-27 as some cosmic anomaly. Sometimes, sports is cruel.
The Rockets:
He decided to go to Toyota Center to get shots up, nixing Curry’s reservations. The Warriors’ point guard offered to stick to half a court, but Paul wasn’t having it. Curry was kicked off the Toyota Center court.
It’s nice for the same reason you don’t sit in front of your friend who is fasting because he has to have surgery tomorrow, and eat something delicious. Or you don’t tell you friend who you know is trying to lose weight how great the food you’re having is, or just talk to them at length about food (particularly not…
This time next year the Rockets will submit a memo to the league detailing how the unfair practice of allowing an injured player to not travel and play in a game cost them a championship and that Kevin Durant should have been forced to play on one leg.
I am a Rockets fan and a closet Harden apologist. I’m off the train. I’m done getting hoodwinked by regular season success. I yelled “QUIT TRYING TO DRAW FOULS AND JUST PLAY BASKETBALL!!!” so loudly that my throat hurts now. I have to pick a new team to follow/root for next year. Any suggestions? (Lakers, Knicks,…
Can’t wait for the 20-page leaked report on how the scorer’s table cost the Rockets this game.
That’s an excuse maybe for substandard service, not sexual predation.
lol, no, he’s being racist.
It’s not a compliment, it’s a power move. Just like cat calling and other kinds of harassment.
I worry for her now that he’s been fired. As she said, he knows where she lives. Everything about this is so bad.
He’s on r/theredpill right now ranting about how she cost him his job over nothing.
Right but what “home-court advantage” means isn’t “a guarantee that you’ll never lose at home,” but rather “theoretically you can win the series without having to win another road game.”