
As a Rhode Islander this makes perfect sense: all Massholes are Massholes.

What someone says may or may not be correct. The fact that they can say it is protected, but their ability to say it doesn't make it correct. Countering their claim doesn't attack their right to say things, it attacks the veracity of their claim.

I grew up in Rhode Island and have spent a lot of time in NYC. I drove to Houston once and that drive just confirmed every stereotype about Texans I've ever seen on TV. I really wish I could have seen some cowboys and rode some horses, but that would have meant staying in Texas longer, which the view through my

Okay, all the points are good, but I still bought one, and I like it. Yeah, the screen sucks when you expand iPhone only apps (it REALLY sucks), and I've noticed it's a little slow sometimes, but the portability alone has made me happy.

I really like my iPad mini... been using it since 8.15am, Friday (first in line to get one) however, woe betide anyone who starts up an iPhone only app on it since these look HORRIBLE.

You know what really sucks about Apple Maps vs. Google? I've regularly sent updates and corrections to Google about issues with their maps and not only were they nice but they made the changes. Mislabelled buildings, missing streets, etc. all of these got updated. See anything like that with Apple? I don't. I'm

I know this is a stupid question, but I'm wondering if the pat answer I received last time I was in the store is in the manual. Arriving 2 minutes late for my Genius appointment to replace a battery, I was promptly told by one of the greeters that I would have to reschedule because "this is like a doctor's office, and

"I am not rich because I and my family have not made the choices to be rich."