Shylock Sidney

I’ll miss Uncle Joe.

Let’s not forget that Joe Biden financed the domestic hotline he worked with. Out of his own pocket. Joe is the kind of man who puts his money and his actions where his mouth is.

Hillary’s approval ratings tend to drop right before elections (due to sexist mudslinging), but then they rise when people see that she is actually doing a competent job. Once she becomes President and the economy doesn’t go to shit, we get paid family leave, she nominates non-bigoted Supreme Ct. Justices, and we

Back when Giuliani was running his kids refused to endorse him or show up for him. His daughter is publicly working for Clinton. Kids can stand on their own principles.

OMG. That’s what’s behind the hair. He’s growing it so he can let it down out of a window and someone can climb up it.

Mark Cuban is election Santa.

It’s just a silencing tactic, it’s basically tone trolling. She’s attempting to shut down discussion on the issue and using her kid as a pawn to do it. If she can get any mention of Trump’s latest faux pas to seem too improper to repeat, she can limit the spread, that’s all it is.

I’m most offended by Scottie’s assertion that Trump is part of “a world that produces books.” Only in that he is a resident of planet earth!

I keep expecting them all to post a podcast saying, “...... The Aristocrats!”

“I am not running for President, he is”