
Steffi is great! The quality of her competition however was significantly lower than Serena’s, and the game has expanded greatly and become less elitist since Steffi’s day.

It seems like a lot of the hair salon complaints were about scheduling. Scheduling problems suck. I used to do hair, and people are nice if their stylist is up to fifteen minutes late. More than that and people run out of patience. You can’t really blame them.

It sounds like the WORST idea ever. Ever.

Is an eyelash perm REAL? That can’t be real.

I've learned that really stupid people go to beauty shops then complain because they're stupid people.

I am primarily referring to her post-match comments. I expect her to be disappointed and frustrated after a loss. None of this why aren’t you smiling sexist bullshit. Her utter disregard and contempt for her opponents is something else though. She’s often ungracious. Rarely does she give someone credit for their

Serena is one of the most amazing and pure athletes of the modern area. My one and only issue, and I’ll be watching for it here, is what an incredibly sore loser loser she can be at times. She makes Bill Belichick look gracious in defeat by comparison. I have rooted against her because of this at times.

I think Serena is a superb athlete. And it must suck beyond words to have lost today. But having said that, this whole benevolent queen bit sounds a little crazy to me.

Its too bad this woman’s amazing victory is being framed as Serena Williams’ loss rather than than her (43rd ranked!) win. She seems like a very humble, gracious winner.

See I have an issue with that. I feel like her parents may not have been prepared to raise a gay daughter. But people adapt. Your kid may not be all the things that you want them to be but they ARE your kid and if you are a good parent you will adapt to the person that they are or they will become. That’s part of

Ah yes, I remember how readers of this particular site showed their true colors the first time Jezebel reported on this.


It’s simple. They need to revise that law. Make it optional and have “Open Donors” and “closed donors.”

Christ, that’s practically designed to make it a very, very unappealing system.

The dropping of the ability to donate anonymously was perhaps one of the stupidest decisions ever made by our legal system. All it means is that we now import just about all of our sperm from countries where it is still legal, like the US. Now you’ll super double plus never be able to find your bio dad, kids! Even

Her feelings aren’t relevant. She can absolutely believe that same-sex marriage is wrong; she can’t be an agent of the state and ignore the laws she doesn’t agree with.

I hate to look at Fox News because I am a masochist, and I found this bit really interesting:

Public servant here. I’ve had to do some things that I found horrible and very much against my religion. For instance, I was part of a project to roll back public health insurance from certain populations. This population was included people with terrible diseases. By doing so, people actually died. And some, in

A quick primer:

Like I said in a different thread, this isn’t a joke. She’s setting a very dangerous precedent. What happens when a cop kills two gay men because that is what Leviticus tells him