
I think many would turn into worse jerks in some misguided revenge for how they were treated. Kind of like how hazing persists.

Adults are known for stupid slogans, esp when they try to think like teens. But I am completely behind educating about consent. I am sick of programs that educate girls on how to avoid rape and never turn to the boys and say Don’t Rape.

Yes! We can’t turn to murder every time we feel insulted. Why have people started to do this? Although to be honest, when I heard the two reporters were shot, I assumed a white man not a black man had done it.

What makes a marriage? Two people who agree to be married and do the legal paperwork to be married. After that, the details are private. I know a number of hetero couples that have stopped having sex. Are they not married now? I don’t care if you have sex or not or who has what role in your marriage. I don’t care if

There is no comparison. I don’t like to read graphic descriptions of rape because I get nightmares. But reading that would in no way make any female believe they are not female. But if reading a book with other viewpoints makes you less of a Christian or believe in God less, you may not have believed for real in the

I don’t think there is a number for me. I would pass. Not that anyone would offer.

Has everyone forgotten how to lie? If this becomes law, will mothers really be honest? Tell the doc you want the abortion because you’re broke. Same as I don’t understand the bakeries and gay people. Why say you won’t bake because they’re gay? Say your calendar is full. I don’t know who put truth serum in the water.

Thanks for the story.

I suspect the cover was because they had to pay to show the fight. But I agree they didn’t handle it well. Schedule enough staff and cut off entry when the place is full.

The story before that one clearly used PF Changs. Why is it then a surprise to see Champs?

Plus yes he had his free drink. Did he ever use his gift cards? Or did he spend all that money for “free” drinks that he had paid lots of money for?

Yup. Go inside. When I was at one place, we got periodic large orders from our local nuns. They always called ahead then came inside to pick it up.

I also blame this manager. He could tell the guy to pay the right price.

I never cried in the bathroom at work until I got my first professional non-customer service job. My manager was much more of a shit-head than any customer at KFC or Pizza Hut.

Classic! Not having bruised arms from IVs or bruised legs from blood count issues. Not being exhausted from getting dressed the day after chemo.

I’m pretty good at the type of lies that lead to surprise parties. But I don’t know how you keep up a cancer scam. Too many details.

I wondered if it was a misprint. 50 hour weeks put you in the hospital? I agree they probably should have been paid but that girl needs a checkup if a 50 hour week exhausted her that badly.

Hersheypark Happy! Hershey is wonderful but even that is getting expensive. Still about a quarter of Disney though,

I think the women discussed in this article don’t respect themselves. If you are hooking up and feeling lousy and you know the men aren’t respecting you, you need a new plan.

Yes. I think there’s a lot wrong here. It feels wrong that they’re asking for her history but she brought it up. I don’t think I understand the relevance of her interest in sex to the lawsuit anyway except to get more money. To me it should never have been included.