Better build quality than a Tesla fresh from the factory. I really hope you find whoever made this wonderful thing.
I can help! This is my friends dad’s vehicle. He owned a body shop in Texas and built it before retirement. He loved shortened vehicles and they tow this behind a converted bus. They moved to Richland several years ago when my friend got a job up there.
I would buy the Michelins because they have a cool looking tread, I am 41.
The dude that wrote that article has been writing completely incorrect dogshit takes about high speed rail for the LA Times for a decade+. He has literally spent his life trying to discourage people from supporting rail, and has danced every possible dance he can think of to try to support his bad arguments. He isn’t…
You just wait.
The suspension setup on this thing is IMPRESSIVE.
I shouldn’t be so excited about this, but damn..I am ...
Regrettably, the Changli was swept away in a slightly smaller than average downpour and never seen again.
I love everything about this - can’t wait for more updates
I have to admit I was kinda hoping that Jason would find that the grille, door handles, and headlights/taillights were just decals. Nice to see that it’s close to as-advertised though!
You are taking it personally? Its not saying at all that AirBNB is a scam or its a rampant problem. Its just telling their users to be more viligant, ask more questions, and do some research before booking stays through its service. Pretty much every website that offers services like this have scams on them, even if…
Meanwhile in conservative states:
Yeah, tell me how conservatives don’t try to control people. Really, I need a laugh today.
Yea pretty much everything you complained about is what I like about the car.
Counterpoint: all of those cars looked ridiculous and I’m never ever going to buy something that looks like a freaking insect or egg or dorky glorified golf cart. Whereas this actually looks GOOD and is more reminiscent of the stuff Honda used to build and sell here in the early-mid ‘90s.
I wouldn’t have a moment’s hesitation. RWD? Check. Maneuverable? Check. Attractive? Check (beauty is in the eye of the beholder, anyhow). Fun colors? Check. Lightweight? Check. Balanced? Check. Affordable? Yet to be determined, but that seems to be the goal, so a preemptive Check.
Yep. We are in “shut up and take my money” territory here. I love pretty much everything about this car and want one badly.