
I mostly agree, but I would rather actual buttons than just one smooth piece of glass. I feel like I would often go to hit a button, hit a bump in the road, and my finger would slide across the glass and hit something else.

I like everything about this, from the 5-speed 30 year old wagon to the photos showing an owner who obviously enjoys 30 year old vehicles adorning his property, the delightfully organized trash cans with proper largest-to-smallest organization showing a thoughtful person, and a quirky house in the background. It all

Yeah, sure that’s what TOTALLY BROKE the deal for you. Yup, mhm.

Hood scoops should be worth $5k off at least.

some other billionaire already hired “all the best people”

Next, has anyone found a way to keep their annoying previews from auto playing if I stop scrolling for a freaking second in the app? I cannot fathom why they thought it was a good idea to just start blaring unwanted video and noise just because my cursor stopped moving.

Confidential. Google. Gmail.
That’s hilarious!

It seems like you are no longer interested in commenting on this piece, and it seems like asking questions may mean something different to me than it does to you. Is that true?

america works just like a car... you put it in (D) to go forward and (R) to go backwards...

He’s just so fucking stupid.


Steve, you may in fact be crazy.  

How I typically enjoy a threesome:

“It wasn’t a terrorist incident”

In other words.... it was a White guy

Got it 

This may be bigger than we thought. It turns out that there were many early, unsuccessful attempts at this BMW theft scheme worldwide that only succeeded in disabling the turn signals.

Or Hilary.

Don’t worry, I’m sure his supporters will find a way to blame Obama.

I and a lot of other people in Southern California run 200-treadwear tires on our dailies if we hit up the canyon a lot. I’ve even gone through a set of RE-71R’s on a Honda Hybrid.

Be sure to buy ‘smart’ tires.

Thanks for the heads-up.