
I would agree with all of this. They’ve had some solid mehs in the last few years but my point is there’s still a good degree of natural hype and marketing. Reasonable fans like you still keep SE in their minds with a little more skepticism while the more unreasonable ones are still loyal to a fault. The studio behind

Godfall compared to a Square Enix title? Even SE’s bad games have raked in more sales just being a SE titles. No one game is gonna make or break the PS5 but the two titles aren’t even worth mentioning in the same sentence, much less being compared.

Pretty sure you have to ask a couple times first. 

Any sort of connection to an old racist joke is pretty bad, dude and the Chinses subtitle for the joke, since it doesn’t make sense as a direct translation, looks like someone saw it, realized it looked bad and changed it to something completely different because it doesn’t even relate to what’s said at all. It’s a

4 payments of 500 looks more like fraud, honestly and it was the other workers who suggested that, not the processor. Thieves use smaller amounts to see how far they push it before a decline. 4 consecutive amounts would’ve also gotten knocked back. I remember some other viral spam story where the restaurant said they

To be fair, Jake Gyllenhaal was in pretty good demand when Prince of Persia happened and I have my doubts about the Monster Hunters movie with Milla Jovovich and it’s pretty decent cast. Actors don’t trump story. 

You’re free to look to their TOS, man. I did note the catch all “they can do what they want”. A private company doesn’t do innocent until proven guilty.

Pretty sure there’s something in the mountain of their TOS including a catch-all “our service, our discretion” would make logging into a stranger’s account from a different IP address and claiming material only allowed for that account a disallowed offense.

People should be upset with how it’s marketed but knowing the two companies and how they handle story telling, I disagree with the article’s expectation of some involved emotional tale of sacrifice. I didn’t like the ending myself but I never once thought it wasn’t anything other than the traditional happy ending tie

If they marketed it differently for hype, than that’s hype but reasonably, everything I said isn’t untrue as far as the extent of the canon goes. People could’ve reasonable expected more but not the extent of where this article is. 

To be fair, this was a Nintendo / Koei endeavor, Koei never being known for having a serious engaging storyline drama for any of their musou lines and I’m sure Nintendo didn’t want anything officially canon to from a spin-off game. If you’ve seen the ending, AoC is clearly not related to the official BoTW story, just

I would replace youth with maturity as the problem. Yeah, the gaming world grew up to have jobs and families but I wouldn’t discount adults who use gaming to stay within their comfort zones, as with anything taken to excess. Kids will always be kids but I doubt it’s the young teens and under doing most of the work

The World Ends With You: Don’t Forget About Me...
Also, Dave, Dave’s Cool.

I think the official answer to Chuck will be ”who gives a shit?” While there were a couple questions I have like why Vampires still a thing, I would agree the ending was fine, just that 19 was a better note to end on. Maybe 19 and some room for pie would've been perfect. 

They would have to make a really drastic revamp to do what FF14 did with A Realm Reborn. I don’t see that happening for a licensed IP vs their top seller, especially when the core gameplay is pretty boring.  

Capitalism is just playing by the rules politics create, politics is about actively changing the system like the one with the koopa king usurping the throne through kidnapping one of it’s blood heir and your grassroots candidate taking control through capitalism and genocide.

Capitalism is just playing by the rules politics create, politics is about actively trying to change or overt the system like the one with the koopa king usurping the throne through kidnapping one of it’s blood heir and your grassroots candidate taking control through fund raising and genocide.

Something like that would have to be coded and implemented into the system versus an in-person raffle where you’re just printing out tickets with numbers on them. Realistically, as long as the demand is there and people are buying them, Retailers not going to take it super seriously.

You wouldn’t, Instagram was it’s own thing a long time. Facebook bought them out. 

I doubt Bernie would’ve done better. The Senate and House elections showed moderate voters were more concerned about being Anti-Trump than Pro-Democrat. Biden only won because of slim margins in the purple states while Democrats took hits across the board for Senate and House control. Yes, he rocked the popular vote