The entire set of films is pablum.
King is a hack, always has been.
I give props to this show for having so many normally funny people be completely unfunny and in a most awkward and painful fashion that allows time to pass as slowly as possible,
Looks self-indulgently disagreeable.
Ride on, into the friscalating dusklight.
We all can plainly see that.
By the way & now that we established how smart you are:
You definitely the smartest person.
You right.
Its not an opinion. Its data that has been culled from teams and the league over the years.
Many of them. The list is far too long to type.
Moonraker was not the strongest film. Or book.
You post makes me want to throw the busted leather flintcraw over the loose weave of the saddlecock.
Should that not have been typed as "who" instead of" what?"
Yes, but my dad can beat up your dad.
He's good but he's no Prince.
I'm supposed to read?
All the best improv moments are those that have been practiced the most.