
I did! I did!

Yeah, see, call me cynical, but that's what I expected. This is small potatoes. Maybe it's a step, but it's certainly not "see, there IS a war on women!!!" level.

I feel like watching her play Scully again after The Fall would be painful. She is absolutely amazing as Gibson. Plus I've been watching a lot of those episodes of the Xfiles laterly where Scully is like resentful of Mulder but also really just being his side-kick...

barn owls - the most terrifying owls. I love owls, but those things? heck no.

Hm. I'm may react more strongly than some people because my anxiety tends to be interpersonal/social anxiety BUT I also know I've gotten angrier and angrier the more informed I've become re: feminism. It's probably a complicated interplay.

I mean, beards are associated with virility (culturally, idk about like in reality but who cares, right?) so it is kinda the same...

I feel like that semi-conclusion is a good step, where he accepts that he doesn't know. Mr. Birdlady (we won't tell him I used that moniker) explained later that what he meant was that he knows I have a lot of anxiety issues and that he felt I was setting myself up for more and that made him upset. I told him I

oh yay that research was reported on elsewhere so here you go and I'm not breaking any ethical rules:… the only thing you're missing out on is the graphs made to look like the 3D model and the explanation that they had purposefully made them more like smooth cylinders in case

Aw, it turns out the one I was thinking of in particular did NOT get published. Thank goodness because it really took the cake. But now I feel like I can't talk about it. Let's just say it was about penis size and involved a 3D printer. Like I am 100% sure their university had just acquired the printer and they were

AS an ex Starbucker, I imagine the point is to introduce more coffee drinkers to it. They always try to get back to basic drinks in the winter and at least where I am it always seems to go spectacularly poorly. That said, I've heard good things about flat whites and I've enjoyed "European-style" cappuccinos at indie

That's a good point. That's probably where a lot of the almost-feminists come from. That was me a few years ago, before an anthropology degree and an outspoken feminist best friend and THEN living in the world for a while. I think it was that combination in that order that made me the kind of feminist I am today.

When I started dating my boyfriend, he understood that catcalling is wrong, but would tell me "just stop getting so upset!" Which, of course, made me more upset than ever. After months of me getting really angry at catcallers and ranting about respect and also gaslighting, I think we have made real progress. :)

That's like half adorable and half...problematic because realizing that feminism ISN'T the now seems pretty crucial, doesn't it?

I have an anthropology degree and work in science publishing and none of my coworkers ever find EvoPsych as ridiculous as I do, which makes me sad. Some of the stuff that gets published is so very silly!

I'm not sure, but I imagine that is implied. People in the Americas domesticated dogs around 10k years ago, which is later than it happened elsewhere. It's like saying "farming came to the Americas;" it didn't travel, it was invented by people living in the Americas.

For a lot of more marginal areas, speaking/reading Latin would have been a status symbol. In rural areas of "Roman" Egypt, for instance, the majority of people were of mixed Egyptian and Greek ancestry, likely spoke an Egyptian dialect, the literate wrote in Greek, and only very official documents for legal/tax/census

I've tried stuff like that before. Especially when working at Starbucks and wearing an apron. It makes walking...difficult.

Those pockets LOOK like they would be so useful, but is she carrying wrapping paper in one of them, because awkward!?

I sort of thought that a LOT of that show was about contradictions in our/characters' expectations. Gillian Anderson's character is hot, but complicated (she is sexually liberated!!1! and also doesn't act like a "lady" in other ways). Jamie Dornan's serial killer is terrible and evil, but also has a family he cares