
What about Poland or the baltics? Crimea itself may be lost, it wasn’t even historically Ukrainian, but the invasion of Ukraine proper can’t be allowed to go unpunished.

The flawed assumption here is that Russia would even bother to differentiate between the two. To Russia, everyone fighting Putin’s buddy Assad may as well be a terrorist. They’ve already demonstrated with past behavior that they will call whoever their bombs land on terrorists and roll with it, so I don’t see any

Unfortunately, Putin thinks anyone who doesn’t back Assad is a terrorist. These were SDF fighters, mostly Kurdish YPG. The Russians need to tread carefully though. There are US special forces embedded with many of these units. If a US service member dies from a Russian airstrike, it ain’t gonna be pretty.

Yes they do represent freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and women’s rights, in fact. “The YPG has attracted praise for their feminism and for their battlefield effectiveness against the Islamic State, becoming the United States’ chief partner on the ground in Syria.” “The YPG is overwhelmingly ethnically Kurdish,

I think the headline assumes a lot. Why would Russia differentiate between terrorists and anti-Assad forces? For their targeting purposes, aren’t the essentially one and the same?

I will sell you a French tank(s), they are in great shape, only used in one gear, reverse.

Yeah, French weapons are great. They have never been fired and only dropped once.

I think you’re missing the point. The US and its allies are all democratic governments that don’t actively engage in human rights abuses on their citizens. A country, in this day and age, loses its right to develop whatever weapons they want when they have a record of abusing their people and are a despotic

We can make them gun free zones, too!

And how would you keep these safe zones from just becoming ISIS sanctuaries?

But did America invade/attack another democratic country before? Not so much. Russia on the other hand did so with Georgia and Ukraine.

No, have to rebuild the Soviet Empire first, then expand into NATO territory

Chinese anti-satellite test in 2007. 83% of the debris is still in orbit.

There will be a lot still in orbit, which crashes into other satalites, and creates a chain reaction. Surrounding us in a cloud of debris.

Biggest issue here is, if China, Russia, and the US go blow up all the satellites, we will end up being forever locked on Earth. Millions of pieces of shit flying around at 10,000 mph just looking to bang into to something.

No, says person who believes screaming at any woman when she’s with her three young children is way the fuck over the line.

The civil war is over? ISIS is gone? News to me.

WMD’s was 13 years ago or 156 months. For about 130 of those months, it was insurgents and Al Qaeda/Taliban, that was all very consistent and in the last 24 months it has been ISIS, a partial offshoot of those insurgents in Iraq. If you are going to troll, at least do your research first.

Working together bombing anti-Assad rebels?

They might be getting combat experience, but it’s not like dropping dumb bombs from low altitude on untrained and poorly equipped militia is really going to offer much in the way of valuable experience against more sophisticated foes.