Shticky Wicket

I feel like it’s a fool’s errand to try to explain this to someone with limited reading comprehension, but maybe try not to replace my words with what you think I’m saying or meaning. Everything you brought up was already clearly covered.

This is utterly idiotic. There are many great groups who do nonpartisan journalism.

I can’t tell what in the world you’re talking about. Who is A aimed at? Can you please rephrase B in a complete sentence or two so I can understand the point you’re attempting to make? And for C, who said it was a good bill?

Most likely! Then they should hire staff who knows about that stuff or just use the new crossposting ability of Kinja so their staff and write pop culture content.

They certainly are! It’s too bad they didn’t hire staff that knew anything about the subject.

Like I already wrote, this was not an attempt to repeal and replace the ACA. It was a hodge podge of shitty ideas in an attempt to pass something before Sept. 30. Again, as I wrote before, the collapse of this before that date is HUGE news. That he completely whiffed on.

(Full disclosure, I would in a healthcare-related field and actually understand this bill)

Conspiracy theory: they knew comments on reviews would fall off sharply after Kinja, so it gives them an excuse to cut shows that were already only marginally supported to save on freelance costs.

I am honestly curious, why does it often take Joshua Alston an extra 12 hours to post reviews? This even happens when episodes were available to reviewers ahead of time (as this one was).

Uh. You think I’m a member of Equifax who joined this site in order to correct them on a headline to deflect from a hack that affected half the nation? Oh boy.

Also the site wasn’t for victims, it was for everyone in the country. This is a really bad headline.

It’s not a phishing site. It’s like one, but not, so you’re headline is extremely misleading.

I love Mookie, but he’s no JBJ in the field.

Oh god, never forget Ernie. I’m glad that they shunted him off to see dark corner after his first appearance here. The problem is that GMG has total contempt for its audience (like when their chats leaked calling commenters “peons”) and it seems that’s starting to leak to AV Club. Too bad, but we’ll vote with out page

This is accurate. You’re like halfway there. The last couple seasons are competent and if you completely zone out during anything involving Zack, potentially even decent.

I mean, Preacher exists. This wasn’t fear or pandering. It was hopefully an honest assessment of their ability to incorporate an even more convoluted and supernatural backstory.

It certainly could have been worse, but as an internet nerd going back to the mid-’90s, this was by far the worst site redesign I’ve ever seen in terms of removing features. And the key point is we saw all of it coming since we knew the inherent flaws of Kinja.

I mean, did you honestly expect a different reaction? This wasn’t a standard redesign where people just got annoyed with change. The redesign cut a ton of features and launched with a clearly beta product. All the fixes mentioned above were super obvious and could have been done if the powers that be signed off on a

How did GMG create a companywide CMS built for sharing and not have sites use the same style guide? This was evident before, but a glaring issue with AV Club in the mix.