
Obviously her being underage makes it 10 times worse, but pulling a random woman out of the crowd to kiss and fondle is creepy in general

I think one of the big porn studios needs to rent that place for an entire week and defile every exposed surface of that abomination of a living space.

From college no less. Dafuq are these clowns on about......

I can't imagine being someone who gives two shits that this exists. This need on the right to make her look bad is simply pathetic.

“my marriage isn’t really failing” It’s already failed — YOU’RE CHEATING ON YOUR WIFE.

Coming clean to my wife will effectively and immediately end our marriage. She’s strictly committed to a monogamous relationship, which I agreed to. I don’t want to hurt anybody but I know it will happen. What’s your take on all this?

Third person is a piece of shit who wants the risk of an affair but the safety that if it falls apart with the affair they have the marriage to fall back on.

The link below was from nearly a year ago. It’s way past old news that the ‘Berniebros’ were either a bunch of 4chan trolls who had nothing to do with his actual campaign or something much more nefarious (looking at you, Russians). Let’s not fracture again over stupid shit and hand Republicans another presidential

This is right up there with Kate Hudson for Weight Watchers.

this kind of sentiment cheesy and misleading

This is a terrible take. I love your attempt to bring model minority myths and potential immigration status into a story about a young mother’s senseless death. For real, what the fuck? Does the fact that she MIGHT be undocumented, or the fact that she’s an Asian immigrant cheapen her life in some way? I sincerely

Are you one of these pickup owners? Because that’s a really silly comment to make considering it’s the ones blocking the charging stations that are clearly insecure...

Its frustrating to be sure, but towing these trucks out of the way is just going to result in violence. The kind of bro-truck, redneck mentality that leads to them ICE-ing, comes with a hearty helping of macho posturing as well. 

I’m just saying—if our human tendency toward hatred and violence ever manifests as a disease that wipes out our species, it would be poetry if it started in Gaza.

Hahaha, I’m sure you are right, but I just love that it sounds like Ellen was having an awful outdoor festival with a line of 30 dirty ass biffies.

The word “election” is generous there.

This is the only correct answer. Pull for your candidate until the primary is settled, but for the love of Cthulhu once it is settled get behind the agreed to candidate.

“Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good” is perhaps more applicable here than anywhere else. Not voting for anyone but the perfect Democratic candidate will get you Donald Trump 2.0, period.

In the end, it honestly doesn’t matter who is the Democratic nominee. YOU MUST VOTE FOR THAT PERSON!!!!1111

We just call that sloppy drunk where I’m from, but sure, blame it on the rapper’s weed.