
Although we all know you are just trolling (poorly), I’ll bite.

I read this as having a snack mid golf sesh, given it probably doesn’t take him an hour and a half to eat lol. With that being said this is the worst schedule. 

same (though i’m using the 8) and thats the point, halving that would mean i’d have to actually manage my storage again. FUCK THAT SHIT. lol I’m way more into having every photo i’ve ever taken and song i’ve ever listened to right on my phone. until 5g and affordable unlimited data plans arrive in Canada, I’ll stick

256 is king 

While I agree with you, they look to be the same as in the IPhone X. That phone was never truly “bezeless” to begin with. 

This infuriates me. If I was you I would copy and paste his response into a yelp and google review and post one stars on there. Fuck that guy. 

This is a bad take. 

She has large holdings in charter schools, this would likely benefit those schools greatly. Once again a Trump appointee lines their own pocket in plain sight, while nothing is done. 

This movie deserves to be considered for best costume design and best supporting actor (MBJ), but the rest of it is just Disney throwing everything at a wall to see what sticks. Hyping this as a contender for best actor and best picture is a joke.

You really need to see more movies then. 

1:33-1:37 is a great example of how shots can be repurposed. The character was filmed standing over what looks like some people he’s killed, but they took out that background and added in a new one to make it look like he is in a completely different area doing something totally different. 

100% this. I’m all for more diversified representation in Hollywood blockbusters, but can call a spade a spade? As a whole, this is a pretty mediocre MCU movie with way too many plot holes and terrible dialog to deserve the praise it’s received. The first half of the movie had some of the best world building of any

too bad it is PC only... 

If not this then something else, his supporters are not going to hear reason EVER so why should we have to hold our tongue. If we can’t have fun at the expense of that rotting orange then what the fuck do we have left really. 

Being more relaxed is the “State of women in films”??? what is this, the 1920's? just because a zipper is there does not mean it should be zipped all the way up. I rarely zip my winter jacket to the top or button the top button of my dress shirts. All you need to redirect your SJW rage somewhere more important, like pe

Shame on Gizmodo for not ripping this POS a new one. $52 for a speaker that you need to drink a bottle of pop to use? This is a stupid idea and should be bashed into oblivion. 

I use 3d touch a lot on my iphone 8, but even after the 3 or 4 years since it’s release it feels gimmicky. This is for 3reasons; 1) a lot of the actions could have been accomplished with just a long press (and is implemented like this in non-3dtouch enabled iphones) such as in the music or photo app. 2) the

Perfect gif is perfect. Take a star you savage

Let me know when it’s out of beta and not terribly boring. 

Let me know when it’s out of beta and not terribly boring. 

Wow you’re dumb. And yes, we’re going to believe her when she comes out against you.