Does she even want that job though... I feel like of all things press secretary is the last thing she would want.
Does she even want that job though... I feel like of all things press secretary is the last thing she would want.
That is extremely sad. I’m still not sure why you aren’t able to register at the polls though..
Why is registering to vote required? First you have to register during the primaries, and now for the midterms? Does this not seem a bit redundant?
Unlike that damn tree, I’m sure we’ll have the answer shortly...
Yes, that is stupid.
Interesting tactic.. Seems like more of a last resort though.
Because this is a gaming site and he is a gaming legend.
I’ll save everyone else the 9 minutes it took him to say; he bought smaller bags that protect the lenses and gear individually, then put that in a satchel. Genius.
First thought was how the hell is he going to properly clean that off in the “field”. Essentially just ruined the rest of the shoot right there
Hopefully they just accept the fact that they will get no questions answered for the next 4 years and concentrate on hard hitting news stories instead. God knows he’s never going to give a truthful answer anyways.
And yet she was not physically assaulted in any ways beyond that and is alive today. Many people who find themselves bound and gagged do not fair so well.
If only police put these kinds of resources into rape now abduction cases.... but congrats on getting the guy who stole your ring I guess!
I almost spit hot tea all over my keyboard. A star, you have earned.
Seems like this tech would be much more useful in a desktop monitor than in a laptop...
Simply because the idiot driving may not have the means to compensate the parents (which no amount of money could do so this point is moot already) doesn’t mean the next person closest to the accident should pay. By this logic the dealership should be accountable for not conducting an IQ test on this man before…
One example does not a trend make.
nawwwwwwww.... you think?
1) that’s a made up statistic
As a die hard liberal, I’m almost glad we didn’t find any voter machine hacking. If there was ever an event that would kick off WW3, that’d be it.
I feel like it takes a certain type of narcissist to not just say fuck it and go on a permanent vacation after the point where they stop taking the time to look at the price of anything.