
Uninstalled months ago. Everyone in downtown Toronto was playing this game when it first came out, now I’m surprised when I see even one person with a bright green screen walking around. This feature was needed at launch, they should be adding substantial content to keep the game from getting even more stale.

He’s playing on the fact that we already know you dumb fucks don’t care about economic, given that trump’s plan to improve the economy has been shown to improve it for corporations and upper 1% while making it worse for everyone else.

The game feels better because they balanced and put time into figuring out how to make it flow. Get off your loop about missing features and try it out, you’ll figured it out. Or maybe you won’t and you can continue to blow the COD decks for years to come ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Fair enough, it’s a military shooter with a squad system and distruction. But the core gameplay is pretty radically different, which is what I was trying to say in contrast to black ops 3.2

I haven’t heard anyone call it innovative. It’s a fresh take on an established franchise. Were you holding out for my little ponies shooting rainbows at each other?

BF1 plays nothing like BF4, and the fact that you even felt the need to bring up battlefield at all shows just how biased you are.

What are ye, a laydehhhh?

That man LITERALLY has a red neck... just saying.

And the non consensual shit doesn’t count because no penetration, right? Oh and EMAILS!!

Yeah.... but they aren’t trendy, grandma!

The woman is so old that i’m surprised she is able to figure emailing out at all. You really think she ordered her IT guys to swap her emails all over to their personal server so that she could send some shady stuff without oversight? Why not just - oh I don’t know - make a secret second email for that... Guaranteed

I feel like this would look cooler with the standard slightly transparent dock at the bottom... seems like it would blend in more with the mountains than the black bar does on the side.

“Azealia threaten to cut a girl in the face with a glass, then actually grabs a glass and physically attacks for no logical reason.”

On a serious note, how many friendships has this election ruined?

Command Center and Apple Music are the two most frustrating changes. Nothing added but they are both way more frustrating to use now. Apple Music specifically is borderline unusable sometimes.

Has GTA online really been that big of a success...? I mean the standalone game made a bagillion dollars but are people still playing/paying for online? Personally I was very disappointed with it and don’t know anyone who still plays...

the fucked up thing is those people probably don’t live anywhere near her house. Trump supporters literally have nothing better to do than harass his accusers, god knows they don’t have jobs to get to.

The guy is clearly crazy...

bro, chill...

Really, because going over the Politico fact check it looks more like Kaine exaggerated the truth all of 3 times, where as Pence continuously lied (Paris Attacks were not Syrian Refugees) and avoided defending his running mate entirely.