LOL. I grew up with them and I endorse your statement
LOL. I grew up with them and I endorse your statement
Honestly I wish they would remove the fantastic beasts part and just focus on Dumbledore and Grindelwald. Also remove Johnny Depp and bring back Colin Farrell.
I’ve always like Krysten Ritter. She always brought a unique, fun energy to all her roles even if the writing didn’t do her justice. Really glad to see her kicking ass as Jessica Jones.
Yeah and no one likes that. Those two have no chemistry.
April has had such a great character development this season (that episode that focused on her losing her faith was the best one the show had since Meredith’s attack episode) but they will destroy all of it so they can write her off the show without fans losing it. Seriously, Grey’s getting rid of April and Arizona…
Maybe she and Jessica want to do something new.
It was a very powerful one too. I admit I haven’t been watching the show regularly but I caught this episode on TV and I was impressed. I’ve been following April’s character arc since and she’s literally the only interesting character on the show right now. It’s very disappointing to see be written off like that.
Agreed. This is why the whole ‘creative decision’ reason is utter bs. If it was creative, Owen, Maggie, DeLuca and those interns would be out. Even Amelia.
Agreed. April’s current storyline is the only interesting thing on the show right now. The episode that focused on her losing her faith was one of the best episodes in a very long time. But hey, let’s get rid of her. And keep shoving uninteresting characters down everyone’s throats.
Yeah I don’t get the ‘pitting against each other’ argument either. Nobody is pitting Pompeo against anyone. The article just suggested budget issues. It’s an outright lie to say that budgetary reasons weren’t involved here. It may or may not have anything to do with Pompeo’s salary bump but by just citing ‘creative…
I keep wondering how Owen is still on the show. He hasn’t been interesting for a long time. He and Amelia should make up and take off. You’re right about the interns being cheap but holy god they’re awful. I thought no crop of interns could be worse than the one with Jo in them. But I came to love Stephanie as a…
I can’t stand her. She’s so annoying.
They are still popular though. Boot out Owen, Maggie, Jo and all those terrible interns. These are unpopular characters that no one likes and no one is invested in. April is one half of the most popular coupling on the show right now.
Maybe Pompeo’s pay had nothing to do with their firing but to imply that it was only a ‘creative decision’ is bullshit. If Grey’s needed to trim down its cast, it had a lot of unimportant and unpopular characters to choose from. Owen, Maggie, Jo, all those awful new interns. These characters have either had nothing to…
PLL was such awful garbage trash. I mean it was the show that romanticized a relationship b/w a minor and her teacher while he stalked her for years to write a book. I hope Riverdale never stoops that low.
I feel like that Emily (Ofglen) clip was a flashback. I’m so pumped for next season!
Uh counter-counter point. Her acting in this episode was so so bad. Maybe it’s the writing but by golly, she was bad.
I meant use those as warning signs. Like say The Vampire Diaries. When that show was good, it was really good. It was the epitome of fun, well executed teen drama with real stakes and emotional payout. Then the fan service started and man oh man did the show go down the rabbit hole and never recovered. Also it lost…
Im struggling to remember what drew me into this show in the first place. Because this season has been so consistently terrible it feels like how teen dramas used to be before TV got really good.
Ohhhh this is going to be hilarious.