
Yeah especially when this year’s best comedy: The Good Place wasn’t nominated for anything.

Bar> watching Pitch Perfect 3. Atleast for me. Or I’ll need a bar after watching the movie. Eh either way, the bar is there.

Well I mean I did say ‘somewhat’. He may have some polarizing opinions but he’s still a stand up guy. Nobody is perfect. Even you. There is no excuse for his tone deafness regarding this statement but I’m not going to start a hate tirade on him.

I agree. I don’t agree with everything he said but that part is correct. He could have said it in a better way, yes.

Look initially, I was willing to listen to his side of things and some of it made sense but yeah, this statement is definitely tone deaf. I still think he’s a somewhat stand up guy but he needs to think before he speaks in these situations. And if he doesn’t have anything substantial to say, well then, don’t say

I mean the last few episodes of season 9 maybe. But god Season 8 was such a trainwreck. They really shouldn’t do a revival without him. It wouldn’t work.

I enjoyed the first movie, it was genuinely sweet and funny. And I liked the way they built up the central romance too. The second one wasn’t good. It had its moments but overall it was a disappointment. These movie looked terrible from the trailers themselves. Anna Kendrick looks like she’d literally do anything

They tried the Office without Steve Carell. It sucked. So maybe don’t try it again?

You’re right. It looks exactly like that. These people are sick. Racist sick pieces of toxic garbage that don’t deserve to be given any platform whatsoever.

I’m glad that they’re taking extra measures. I managed to keep away from spoilers for most of last season until some mouth breather on Facebook decided to spoil it by posting that Littlefinger dies on his timeline... 10 days before the episode aired. Even before the penultimate epsisode. So yeah, I’d like to

I don’t like the Rory plot but I get it. I get it’s purpose. And atleast it gave us that glorious Jess episode. April, I don’t get at all except for the fact that she’s unnecessary drama. God, the more I think about it, the more I hated the fact that April was introduced.

They actually do have arithmency (for math). It’s not mandatory though. We only see Hermione taking the subject because.. ofcourse.

Urgh same. The idea that Logan was a better boyfriend/partner than Luke wa so awful to watch. I hated that the writers had to think that Luke and Lorelai had to have such awful problems to spearhead drama. And honestly, ASP deserves this blame for being so petty.

Vineyard Valentine was so fucking bad. God I hated every minute of that episode. I think overall, it was the worst episode of GG.

Gotta say that Luke/Lorelai kiss in the gazebo after their engagement was swoon worthy.

Never going to download this but I mean I’m sure her legions of fans would love this. I don’t see anything wrong with that.

Eh I don’t like that name much. Let’s just keep it FP/Alice?

Do you even know what mansplaining is? Using it wrongly and constantly at that makes it lose meaning. Since when Matt Damon, answering a question he was asked, and explaining his thoughts on a subject matter become ‘mansplaining’? Good god.

So he approaches this topic with a more nuanced, balanced opinion and we have to bash him now? Damn AVC, you’re becoming like Jezebel day by day, and no that’s not a compliment.

Totally agreed. AVC is going to shit. We don’t need another Jezebel for crying out loud. This site approached topics with far more nuance and this article erased all that.