
And which one of those phrases implied that I had a full grasp of the situation in Italy exactly? I’m not the stupid one here, you are. So stop being a worthless troll.

Did I say I have a ‘complete’ grasp? I never once said it or implied that. Please take your fake rage somewhere else. I’m not your intended target, believe me.

I’m not condemning anyone. I’m just surprised about this news that’s all. And btw I have said enough about the atrocity that is Trump. It’s being said all the time, everywhere. I’ve grown up in India, believe me when I say that I’m genuinely expressing shock because I’ve seen and heard worse when it comes to sexual

This is sick. I honestly had no idea Italy was this fucked up. Good fucking lord.

Yeah I’m super bummed about the fact that Friday Night Lights is no longer on Netflix. I need to rewatch the show atleast once a year (or three times). And while the HIMYM Finale and sucked and ruined a lot, I liked watching the first six seasons.

Mark Ruffalo. I mean it’ll never happen but I’d be heartbroken if he pops up as one those sickos.

At 22? Yeah that’s fine? But at 32? Come on.

Initially he was, which is why I had trouble liking him, too many Logan parallels but his character evolves into something more. A much more standup guy. Also maybe, and this is just me, most of the characters were downright assholes on the show so he instantly became the most likeable one.

Yeah but when I look at the picture, all I see is fat shaming and child labour that preceded it.

Ever since AVC picked up this show for reviewing again, I’ve been waiting for a review for this episode, or about the LADB and Logan in general. You’ve literally echoed everything I hate about Logan, LADB, Rory. The show satirized this world in the early seasons. Louise, Madeline and Richard and Emily’s antics were

I don’t think being a rich (and not even due to your own efforts but by daddy’s money) cocky and awful is anything but acceptable. Deriding others for not having enough money as you do is not something to be applauded.

Isn’t it interesting that Rory made a mature decision in a season not penned by ASP and awful decisions in the one she did write?

It’s funny I thought the same thing before watching the good wife and it actually did. His character on that show was my favourite.

Lane’s sidelining in the revival was imo the worst part of it. Especially since no one cares about Logan and LADB. Like you said, I understand not spending much time with Sookie, Paris or even Jess (This is Us was starting up I think) due to the actor’s time commitments but Lane? Come on!

I would’ve loved to see Logan and his asshole friends lose all their money and scramble with their no-talents life. It would make their screentime worth it.

Watching the Good Wife after definitely improved my opinion of Logan. Or just that I like the actor enough. Logan still sucks though.

Gonna be honest, the revival isn’t very good. Rory is downright awful. The jokes don’t land. Everyone is extra mean. Lane is badly sidelined. Jess barely has any screentime. Logan has way too much screentime! The whole story feels stuck in 2007. Emily is the only good part.

Are you seriously comparing being a businesswoman with being a marksman? Like what? There is no correlation. She doesn’t do business to cheat others. So yeah, it can be construed as something positive. She gives so much of her money to charities, to fans in need, etc. So yeah, I will praise her for being a good

Same. I listened to Red properly shortly after I listened to 1989 and I was actually surprised to see how strong her lyrics are. She might keep getting shit for writing about her exes (which literally every artist does) but she writes them well.

I don’t know, All Too Well and New Romantics have pretty great lyrics.