
Yes, you guys really should review Indian films. There are plenty of good ones there.

The Leftovers is fantastic. I loved both the first and the second seasons and it's probably one of the best shows ever made.

He isn't bad at all but like I said, small doses.

The writers need to realize that some characters only work in small doses. Amelia is one of them. So is April, DeLuca and Maggie (although I don't want to see her at all for a few episodes). And some characters don't work at all: Jo.

Which is such bullshit. Maggie never ever had any hold over Nathan. She wasn't even in love with the guy. It was crush where her hopes weren't even elevated because Nathan told her he wasn't interested in her like that. Urgh Maggie.

No it's the classic 'adult character has crush, gets rejected and still many months later acts like a petulant child about it'. Seeing the way Maggie reacted even before she found out how long Mer/Riggs happened.. can you blame Meredith for keeping this from her? Also it's pretty shitty to guilt Meredith who has lost

I know! Smash was such a great character but Shane.. bleh.


Yes thank you! The whole 'you're all I have left' was so grating. How can she have such little self awareness? Meredith has lost so many people and for Maggie to say that she has no one was just awful. Like go away Maggie, no one needs you.

Callie and Arizona were far more broken than Jackson and April. Arizona pretty much hated Callie for so long for cutting of her leg and she held that resentment which caused her to cheat. Eventually they both harboured so much resentment that the relationship got far too toxic to fix. With Jackson and April, the loss

Maybe so. I'm one of those people who thinks that they shouldn't have gotten divorced and actually worked through their issues. But then again I'm very biased towards fictional couples I love lol.

Again a matter of opinion but I've always loved Jackson/April. It's cheesy but I loved how they got together and the chapel scene where Jackson tells he loves her is one of my favourite moments. They are by far my favourite couple on the show right now.

Yeah no. Jackson and April are actually good together and have real chemistry. Yes their fighting got very very tedious last season but I think their dynamic is very good and even sweet at times.

True but when she did get screentime and had character development, it was good. She is a mature, level-headed character with no need for nonsensical drama and that's a breath of fresh air on this show, atleast this season where everyone is determined to be at their most childish and immature behaviour.

Call her on it? Yeah. Throw a hissy fit and act petty and childish over it? Nah. There was no need for that.

Honestly the less Maggie is on the the show the better.

Well I guess it's a matter of opinion but I hated both Leah and Shane. And I wanted to like Shane a lot because the actor was great on Friday Night Lights and played an awesome character there but Shane was just terrible. Again he redeemed himself shortly before he left. Leah according to me was awful from the

Yeah Riggs too. And I like Ben. DeLuca is boring but can be fun in small doses. Leah was terrible back when she was a regular and frankly I don't think she's on the show anymore and I wouldn't like to see her. Her departure in season 10 was the best part of her character. Wish they left it there.

Literally I'd rather they focus on anyone other than Maggie for a while (except Jo and Amelia).
My vote other than Meredith would be: Alex, Jackson, Stephanie, Arizona (I love the Arizona/Alex dynamic and the Richard/Arizona dynamic).

Maggie is just the worst. She keeps getting progressively worse every week and I don't really see why we have to spend so much time on her. It's not even fun. Her behavior is so childish and immature it's fucking grating. Like girl you had a crush on the guy. You don't own him and he never ever lead you on. I know