
Gonna miss her on Suits though! Her character is absolutely fantastic!

I miss this show so much

I agree! Lindsay was the victim there. I hated Dean so much after that, especially when he yelled at her for no reason. But what really bothered me was how everyone was okay and even condoning Rory going after Dean in the next few episodes. Luke was the only one feeling iffy about it and calling out the situation for

Great article but slight mistake.. Rory wasn't calling a friend when she fought with Lorelai and stormed out of the house, she called Dean's phone and his wife picked up… hence she broke down.

More like ends 5 seasons too late

Suits is actually really good. Season 5 was one of the best seasons I saw last year.

Also Grey's has ruined 'Today's been okay' for me. Everytime I listen to that song I have a strong urge to cry my eyes out

That entire scene where Derek was silently crying in the elevator with Bailey was so heartbreaking and yet so wonderfully scripted. No words but overflow of emotion that seems genuine and not tacked on. Season 2 truly was the best. But I must say, season 12 was really really good as well!

I think Kit was really good this season though. Especially Battle of Bastards. But yeah, I'd give his and Dinklage's nom in a heartbeat to Iwan Rheon and Liam Cunningham, who were just fantastic this season.

I think the acting is quite good but not every actor has award worthy storylines each season. Take for example Dinklage, whose a fantastic actor, but had nothing to do this season still gets nominated. I feel like for years the emmys have snubbed thrones is the acting categories and are now making up for it. I

I know right?! I'm surprised it's taken the academy this long to nominate her, but I'm glad they did!

Sophie Turner deserved that nom more than Emilia tbh

I agree! Liam Cunningham should've been nominated. That scene where he confronted Melisandre broke my heart. I mean I like Kit and I thought his performance was quite good this season TBH. I love Dinkalge too but come on! Tyrion didn't have much to do this season.

YES for Mr Robot and Rami Malek! Also Kit Harington and Maisie Williams! (Finally! She's been so good for so long!) but I kinda wished that Sophie Turner would've gotten the nom instead of Emilia. She gave a better performance this season!

I wish that you reviewed Season 5! Best season of the show!!

Internet's boyfriend is the absolute correct description of Tom Hiddleston. On that note, Taylor is one lucky girl.

Who according to you is a good actress then? Because Phoebe and the actress who played Davina (can't remember her name) were terrible. Claire is barely on the show anymore but she does well with the material given along with Leah.

Um Leah played whatever she was given well. She's a good actress. The whole Cami plot was completely the writer's fault. Their misogynistic asses can't write strong female characters. Only ones that need to fuel make angst

Hayley should've stayed dead at the end of season 1. Cami had a lot of potential and Leah is a good actress. If they had killed Hayley and focused well on Cami, the show would've been better. Hayley is the absolute worst.

Still way better than Hayley, a character whose actress is so bad that she's the worst actress on a network that majors in bad acting.