
I think I was going to explode if you guys didn't cover this story. Thank you for giving it the attention it deserves. Kathleen Hale is a deeply disturbed person. It's horrifying to see so many people—including writers I thought highly of—defend her actions. If she had been a man, no one would be calling her piece

So her video is explicitly about her ass and her sex appeal but she finds being asked about it degrading? Huh?

I will never understand the absolute disdain for black people so many assholes have. WHAT. IS. YOUR. FUCKING. PROBLEM.

I wouldn't want her to "inspire" any of my children if they were in high school. At that age I was way too influenced by celebrity culture and thought I could be a rapper as well. That's not what they need. Let's bring in someone who became a physician assistant or a plumber who started her own company. Not

Jeez, the only way this article could be whiter is if they left the page blank.

The handrail in the elevator has also expressed regret for its involvement.

Beyonce is wildly overrated.


"And Beyonce is very, very important to many black girls both in this country and around the world."

No, I don't. There are a lot of famous women who don't act like their shit doesn't stink. Some humility is attractive.

You do realize I am sitting at my desk at work literally laughing out loud hysterically at that, which is what my post is referencing here?

If the two of them were having serious issues around the time that she was recording Beyonce (which was basically all of 2013) and if she was still writing songs like "Drunk In Love," that would be…odd. One could argue that the songs were an attempt to save her marriage, but still, putting out a very specific and

The most

I hope they get divorced. I cannot stand her smug ass. There are a ton of better looking and more talented black women out there.

This isn't something that a civilised person does.. No human being can do this.. To keep the bodies of innocent people away from their families.. Only animals do this kind of shit and I hope whoever is responsible pays a great cost for this..

this whole story just makes me pissed and it's getting worse by the day.

Why is she still a thing???

Thank you for this article. You articulated this phenomenon perfectly. Sincerely, Puerto Rican woman with a big ass that was mocked my whole life by white people.