
If Julievette had told Diana the FULL truth, Diana would have probably killed her on the spot… Come to think of it, maybe Diana needs to hear the full truth after all.

Me too! Especially after they exchanged that look the previous evening.

Completely disagree. Why bother posting this in a place where people clearly enjoy the show and have for years?!

So I rewatched a bit to doublecheck, but Renard had no rings on this ep. So was that ghost/pawn shop owner from last ep real?? That was such a weird and cool scene, wish there had been some followup.
And sadly no shirtless Renard this ep, just a barely clothed skinny Pete…not the same.

Also, did nick actually kill him?? It looked like he just knocked him out.

No, we ALL remember that, but Juliette's character was ALWAYS annoying and poorly written. Sure, she loved Nick, but was always criticizing him or getting in the way becuz it took forever for her to accept his Grimm identity and that whole situaton. I blame the writers for her way of being. I disliked Juliette from

Yeah, I assume he's always had dat royal money. Even his suits look custom and pricey. Regular police captains could not afford that. On the other hand, Grimm dude and Juliette basically lived in a mansion on vet and policeman fees…highly unlikely too.

True, I mean I don't need the labored police machinations of say "The Wire" (which I found boring anyway), but maybe an anonymous "lots of dead bodies in this park" tipline call…

That scenario sounds like it could be its own creepy spinoff. Thanks for the info!

And does she attend school, or has Adalind been homeschooling her? Is Renard bankrolling Adalind's life? She has no job and Black Claw has probably cut her off, right?

I thought it was a little callous tho how they were like, "Ummm, think of all the bodies buried in this park." Aka all the missing person cases they could have solved. Then were like "Don't noboby got time for that!"

Yeah, I thought about that too. I thought about the M.E. having really good fodder for research papers for her professional conferences.

Renard was married?!!! I never noticed that ring. I would rather see Renard's ghost family come back to haunt him vs. that fake German guy.

Yeah, that was really cool!

I enjoyed this ep too despite all the issues the reviewer pointed out. I did wonder tho how much time had passed from the previous ep. Wasn't Renard back in the condo he had previously, or was this a different one? Maybe he never sold the first one.
They need to hurry up and figure out the deal w/the stick of destiny,

Thank you! If the writers wanted to save an ounce of sympathy for her they wouldn't have had her murder Nick's mother so viciously. Hexenbeist or not, some part of Juliette was still in there.

Is it wrong that I laughed out loud at your description of Juliette's pathetic story arc? I just can't feel sorry for her.

Juliette has never been a fave of mine, but what was the point of even including her in this ep?? We could barely see what she was scrawling on the wall. I would much prefer to see Trubel, who is a vastly more interesting character.
Love Diana.

Agreed. Been spending a lot of time with Cats of Instagram.

This. I thought I was going crazy re:the odd sound mixing. We had to adjust our speaker settings AND keep subtitles on just to comprehend dialogue!