
Thanks for the article. I just donated $100 to women on waves.

Why can’t religion be a private thing? Why do people feel that it must be worn on their sleeve for all to see? Or worse, why do so many religious people feel the need to try and force those beliefs on others? I’m old and I just don’t remember it being that big of a deal back then. My neighborhood was a mix of jews,

My nephew owns an assault style weapon. When we asked why his response was that he needed it to defend himself in case he was attacked by a pack of wolves when he was out hunting. This guy has been hunting for at least 35 years and has never been attacked by one wolf, let alone a pack of them. So it was a bullshit

As a vagina-american I have no problem with this.

Unfortunately I have a step-sister and a brother-in-law who think its perfectly fine to hate “the gays”.

Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany’s anyone?

Yep. I gave money to Sanders campaign and sent my mail in ballot last week. However, I will gladly vote for Hillary in the fall. Trump is a danger to this country.

Exactly. I donated to Sanders, I am retired and thus “not in the labor force”.

Just got back from visiting the in-laws in Arizona and this is exactly what they all think.

It sounds like my woman friends in their 50's trying to find a man to date them who’s not at least in his 70's. It would be interesting to ask those guys who are 10-20 years older than you if they would date someone 10-20 years older than themselves.

Had an in-law who needed a hip replacement but it was put off for years. In the mean time Drs. gave her pain meds and when they didn’t work she started adding alcohol. Ended up in rehab after crashing the car. Now she’s sober and has a new hip.

Thank you, I appreciate that.

When my mother was dying I wrote a satirical obit for her. She loved it so much she said I should publish it after she died. I actually got a call from the LA Times obit people wanting to know if it was on the level before they published it.

“She is sensual” is this code for “will fuck me on the first date”? Or is it code for “will blow me”?

You have just described my in-laws.

So, who paid them off to do this?

Way better than those stupid hairband bows they put on babies.

These “law-makers” seem to think that some gay guy is going to forcibly fellate them in the grocery store. That’s what they’re really afraid of.

Boo hoo cry me a river. My father worked two jobs he didn’t like, that didn’t pay much money, in order to be able to support his kids. FYI my mother worked also. I have a nephew that doesn’t support his two kids and seems happy to have other family members and the gov’t carry his weight. He can’t be bothered to work

I don’t want to go see my tax accountant and find his kid sitting in on the meeting.