Unpopular opinion: I love Solange more than Beyonce
Unpopular opinion: I love Solange more than Beyonce
So, Mr. Smith, before you were stabbed were you wearing a shirt? When the knife pierced your chest did you specifically tell your attacker to stop? When he stabbed you the second time did you bother to say "No" in a firm clear voice? When you walked around being a jerk earlier in the day, weren't you pretty much…
Oh. I expected this to be an account of the casting for the new Robin Thicke video.
Joining the tons of other people saying "REALLY? A joke at the expense of people with mental disease? Fucking REALLY?"
Thank you. I too have PTSD, and I sincerely doubt that Miley has given anyone the kind of symptoms that I have suffered from with PTSD.
From what I understand, though, "literally" now means "figuratively." So that would have been... better? I also like how none of the comments criticizing Ms. Dries's use of PTSD have been approved.
Thank you. Folks with PTSD deal with enough "that's just a fake illness, yer just too sensitive" as it is, and shit like this doesn't help one bit.
Come on, guys. PTSD is not a joke. I'm really shocked how often a lot of the writers on this site have to be told when something is offensive/inappropriate.
Regarding the title:
brought to you by the Committee for Stop Fucking Appropriating Mental Illness
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I too am a survivor of PTSD, and I've had to deal with terrible symptoms and social stigma. My thoughts and solidarity go out to all my fellow survivors.
Please don't joke about PTSD. I suffered from PTSD after a sexual assault, and I don't appreciate the term being used flippantly. In addition to the god-awful symptoms and the utter derailment of my life, I also had to deal with asshats disregarding my opinions and making fun of my because of my mental illness. …
Can we please stop trivializing PTSD? Some of us actually have it and it's actually super shitty.
I teared up when reading the signs these women were holding. Dammit. I hate people. I hate people who are evil even more. Dammit so much.
I should've taken a picture of this a while back, but didn't. About a year after my bf and I went fbook official and 6 mos. after the engagement ring ads started popping up, facebook decided that since I wasn't engaged yet, we must be living in sin and put up an ad for a book about how living together before you're…
Here's a thing: I'm from WA and heavily involved in the medical marijuana industry. It's such a ridiculously sexist, disgusting boys club I could write a series of articles. Would anyone here be interested?
I'm doing my part. I even live in Colorado! We need a name for lady stoners. Any suggestions?
"We're supposed to be cooking and cleaning and studying and making a living and exercising and dieting and applying makeup and planning weddings and raising children and helping others and going, going, going."
Ripping a bong here and there never hurt anybody.
Yeah! Holla at me, stoner sisters!