
David Brooks is to Paragon of Masculinity


Newt Gingrich is to Relationship Counselor.

I am a feminist and I love Kanye too.

Oh, Lindy, don't fret. I like my rap music about as awful as they can make it. I blare "It Ain't No Fun (If the Homies Can't Have None)" (sp?) in the car, then come inside to write my congressperson about unfair misogynistic laws and have my women's group meetings. I try to think of it like the valve on a pressure

Re: Chris Brown

NEVER NEVER NEVER HAVE SEX, even if you want to.

We stop referring to them as "children" when they turn 18.

So Aaryn and GinaMarie don't know they've lost their jobs? hahahaha

Aaryn's parents misspelled "Aryan" wrong.

Imagine them lovingly embracing, Zimmerman looking into his gun's glinty eyes, and telling the gun he'll never leave it again."I love you so much," whispers Zimmerman in much the same way that Trayvon Martin's parents probably wish they could whisper to their son.

He is not unemployable. Conservatives love him. He'll write a book soon.

A+ on the graphic for this article.

Hypothetical legal question: If someone were to shoot at Zimmerman, could they claim a Stand Your Ground defense, because he's scary as fuck and probably going to shoot someone else dead and wouldn't you want to shoot him first?

someone posted an article in groupthink a couple days ago written by a guy who saw a woman on a bus getting pretty aggressively hit on by some guy she was clearly not interested in. So he sat down behind the other guy, and started in with similar lines.

Isn't it a bit rich for a German to generalise about a whole nation based on the behaviour of a few assholes?

Thank you for reminding me that even while the travesty of justice remains a stain on American, that these silent and dignified protests are a thing to be proud of.

I'm done with the world this week. Just done.

So a teenaged boy as followed by a stranger until the stranger shot him. The stranger walks free.

Very proud of the peaceful protest of people of all races.

These aren't complaints. These are off handed comments by allies. I think that is an important clarification to make.