
Awesome - everybody can have the runs during the games.

Ooh - nevermind! "In Our Nature" - had to IMDB dig for a hot second.

Ooh - if you could think of the name of that movie for me, that would be awesome. John Slattery and Gabrielle Union in the same movie? Be. Still. My. Heart.

How come she can't have all the perks of being a contemporary celebrity while keeping her personal shit out of it? She doesn't owe the media access to her b/c she's a "contemporary celebrity." If she's figured out how to get what she wants and not have people all up in her business, more power to her.

Could it be possible that "another victim" means he has made more than one person a victim? Especially since he has multiple run-ins due to alcohol abuse?

This. This. This. This. This.

I've worn a pink SGK bracelet on my arm, along with my yellow Livestrong bracelet, since my mom passed away in 2001 (rare colorectal cancer - not breast cancer - as there's no bracelet for what she had).

Man, it is seriously so important to be mindful of the things you say to people. You never know what struggles or issues or history an individual may have.

"I was a fan of Margaret Cho, but then she used crazy foul language and I can't condone that."

Correction: This is not "Hollywood" - this is a female independent film maker. You should visit the film's website and listen to her interviews.

Dude - there is way too much hate on this post. If this was a Muslim family with a father whispering prayers of Islam into his child's ear (I'm sure there's a name for this practice, but I don't know what it is), everybody would be talking about how beautiful it is - not about all the things that child could grow up

I've been waiting for this movie's release for about 8 months and it's FINALLY showing in my city on Friday and I cannot wait! We're rollin about 8 deep!

I had a deal worked out with my dad: We'd figure out how much I would have gotten back on my federal taxes, he'd still claim me, and just give me the difference. He kept me on his insurance and willingly picked up my birth control every month (he works at the hospital - discount) while I worked my way through college.

Jesus. My cousin just turned 13 the other day. For Christmas, she got Justin Bieber everything: Watch, t-shirt, CD, perfume (which is awful, btw), and Justin Bieber cake for her birthday. I cannot even FATHOM this dude even trying. Her focus is on some boy singer hearthrob somebody or other - not some creepy man with

I say to each their own, but should I ever become legally wed to someone (whether they be male or female [Haha! Never in Georgia, silly!]), I will not take their last name.

I don't think it's actually off center. Kerning 101: Every character has a space it "lives in." and this one, with its serif at the top, probably makes it look like it's off center. You can kern in or out to make things closer or further away, but it's not in relation to another character - just white space. So it may

Seriously. Band rooms are worse than motel room remotes.

Seriously. They're probably billing at $350/hour, no matter who the judge says comes out on top.

But, and please correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't a child take on the mother's religion? And if that mother is Catholic and that child is the heir to the throne (and future Head of the Church of England)...well, that couldn't work, could it? Or do I have it wrong?

As someone going from an Original iPhone with a $10 messaging plan (1,500 msgs) to an iPhone 4S, you bet your ass I noticed it. AT&T's response when I asked about also being grandfathered in with my messaging plan: "Yeah, it's the only messaging plan now."