
Save it to the favorites! It's so classic.

Wow - I grew up hearing "ace boon coon" a lot, even on TV, and it was never bleeped out or anything.

It was used for PR purposes by the people that manufactured the systems inside the car. They probably got back more ROI and impressions than the $18K they paid for it.

Kim ain't had thick skin since Jr. MAFIA days. Soft.

Goddamnit - you owe me another tea!

WHERE is my ability to heart people?! I hearted Rooo's ass long ago, but I should like to add you to the list for that one.

This is a genuine question as I am no healthcare professional, but can you get the same kind of information from a pelvic ultrasound that you get from a "manual" pelvic exam? Would that be an appropriate alternative?

Jesus - what is he even TALKING ABOUT?? That joke was epic't even go there, everybody within ear or eyeshot of you is begging you to shut your fucking mouth. And then you start babbling.

Does Jezebel University have financial aid options? And is there a brick & mortar campus? Because I'd like to increase my level of adult education. I hear there's a two drink minimum (per class).

Not necessarily. If you're a tabloid, your publication is considered "not of journalism integrity" or doesn't hold up to the rigors of "real" journalism (which is increasingly subjective these days) - which is why they can get away with saying almost anything they want. Many info-tainment outlets get away with this

While I was in traffic today, I was listening to a report about this on BBC Radio. One thing they noted: many people (specifically Americans) are taking the fact that people (that didn't know him as a "seducer") are in disbelief or that there has been no news of his previous antics as a cover up. They noted that

I grew up watching Roseanne - my mother and I looooooved it. It now comes on TV Land almost every night of the week and I watch it while laying down before bed - and I STILL laugh.

Also on TV Land almost every night. I fucking love that show.

The only thing I ever knew about C-section babies was that mom's generally didn't have to try and round out a cone-like head that tends to happen with babies that are delivered vaginally.

Jesu, Maria, and Jose... The god of lunges and squats hath smiled upon her.


I'm actually not sure how I feel about the chocolate cream filling. I've always felt that the two chocolate cookies was enough for me.

I'm really sorry to hear about your dad. I seriously would not wish cancer on my worst enemy.

Most ideas sound good in a meeting. Anything to get the fucking meeting over with.

Despite no longer being a Missouri resident (STL born & raised), I follow Senator McCaskill pretty closely and love the work she's doing and the help she's giving (no, she can't win em all, so please save your nitpicking for someone else's comment).