Games will eventually lose ways to innovate, but buying a game with exactly the same assets as in previous game (which came out 2 yrs ago) doesn't feel right.
Games will eventually lose ways to innovate, but buying a game with exactly the same assets as in previous game (which came out 2 yrs ago) doesn't feel right.
Battlefield series is going to become like Call of Duty, where you pretty much pay every year to play essentially the same game.
One of my favourite moments in this game is when I drove off a cliff and landed on a bigger tank (which killed him).
Non-obscure synonym for graphics starting with J?
The manual.
ARMA 3? Dota 2? Quake?
I think it's alpha in terms of polish, not playability.
You do understand that buying a cartridge second-hand off eBay isn't giving the game's original developers, publisher any money?
GitHub is rather a version control system hub.
My best tip would be (when with a really limited budget) to trade.
I got myself Civ 5: Gods and Kings expansion from simply adding 5 euros to steam wallet, buying the games seller wanted and throwing in all my Trading Cards (each is earned by playing a game for 20 minutes and are worth 20-70 cents each).
Speaking about hardware brands, one time I saw a PSU (from an unknown manufacturer) which claimed to have "ultra silent fans".
The thing had no fans at all.
IMHO USA should distinguish "threatenings" followed by "lol" and "jk" from mentally unstable, armed people.
I've always felt that when I don't purchase an expansion for CIV5 I get left behind in mods, in civilizations, in everything.
it's linux.
But what's up that with the fact that in the updated version with korean as language in the beginning Breen is replaced by Kim-Jong Un?
Both are black boxes with equally crappy hardware, One is more restrictive than the other, but the other has Sony written all over it, has used games (which I personally don't care about as an user of Steam) and that's it.
I'm staying on the PC.
The point is that when he releases the key he's a martyr.
Others possibly get access to source codes of new/unreleased games and maybe PS4's and/or Xbox One's SDK.
A) Depending on the password size (I'm sure he's aware of it) it can take a long time to crack that password.
B) He has set up automated scripts, if he does not log in to an online service (for example twitter) it'll get automatically released.
C) He had located a security hole for Epic, I'm sure he's serious.
D) He's a…