
I recommend everyone to try it.

it was active.


i am so sad right now.

defacing pennies can sometimes be illegal in the US?


Wait, you have to pay to be able to tether in USA?

I can't remember my 22 character alphanumerical password for Facebook.

making strategies to get a bigger burrito at a diner.

looks great, meant for those book addicts.

but does it work in europe and when I want to buy a less expensive laptop?

these videos have taught me not to ride any elevator that says "bass elevadores"

even if it is a fuckup, why should apple link it to a porn site?

and yet apple has a strict app rating system.

Keystoke under app launchers.


that chatlog made me laugh.

lol, americans missing their desserts.

xp, even worse.

i bet i cant see a difference from a lower res(over 300ppi) super lcd3 and this one.