I did the same. Amazing how Beyond Earth being so similar to Civ V only makes you appreciate Civ V all the more.
I did the same. Amazing how Beyond Earth being so similar to Civ V only makes you appreciate Civ V all the more.
I really loved being a Pomeranian in Tokyo Jungle.
If you’ve been playing video games for any amount of time, odds are pretty high you have at least one console in…
Fire Emblem Fates is out today, and it comes in two different versions: Birthright and Conquest. Which one should…
Everything about Conquest makes me want to play it.
The story. The characters appearances.
The caveat? I suck at FE games. Awakening pissed me off plenty, and I heard that it was cotton candy compared to other FE games.
Guess I’m going to have to go with Team Otaku Samurai.
Fat Portal Princess?
And then Chell grew too big to fit through the portals. But she didn't care, because cake.
Huh, I'll give it a gander. I want to know more about game development, especially considering that I'm thinking about learning lumberyard. I kind of want to steadily work on developing a game as a related side project to my academic career. I kind of fantasize about making a game that would be my Silmarillion.
As someone who *gasps* waits to buy his games, I’m still a fan of Schafer. He’s responsible for some of my favorite game moments growing up. I do wish Double Fine was more self-sufficient.
annnnnnnd you just effectively killed my productivity for the rest of the day ;)
um no we used pokemon science to determine this list
Here is a belated best-of list from a game designer who claims that 70 percent of his body is made of movies.
It will be a clicker game and cause the downfall of humanity.
Between this, Diablo, and Hearthstone, Blizzard has become frighteningly good at loot container opening porn. Their next game will probably be called Open These Sweet-Ass Boxes, and I will spend several thousand dollars on it.
Only if you’re a fool and buy it at full price instead of waiting for a sale!
Nope Ron Pearlman
Who’s in favor of Benedict Cumberbatch voicing detective Pikachu for the western release?
New costumes for Han and Luke...
No, I'm talking about ZombiU.
I honestly couldn't stand the game, but I'm sure that I'm in the vast minority.