This made me lol.
This made me lol.
I spent a stupid amount of time breeding a shiny beldum just before they announced a free shiny beldum in the next game. D'oh! So much for my uniqueness.
LoL "Donnybrook." Now THAT's the good diction the kids today are missing.
Miyamoto's description of the Mario characters as "actors" filling their roles is the most form-fitting from a corporate sense, in the same way Disney might characterize the relationships of some of its characters depending on where they appear. The old Disney character Pete might be a villain in Steamboat Willie, but…
It's more like "just one more sleepless night of Civ that will ruin my sleep schedule and turn me into the walking dead, a useless shambling mess of my former self." That being said, winning a game is heavenly.
Great review. I only got Civ 5 recently and have found myself compulsively investing a large amount of time in it, so perhaps procuring the newest iteration would not be wise. That being said, I do love the core game enough to be curious about this new one.
(scribbles note)
I'm finding it hard to quantify or properly explain but the game plays a little differently than Brawl and I kind of like it. Anyone better versed in the series have any clue?
I'm sure they'll have customizable controls like the last one, but I understand the concerns about the circle pad. Minus the c-stick as well, it feels a little more imprecise than on the other consoles. But that being said, after taking a bit to adjust I'm having a ball with the demo. It's only made me more hyped to…
Hahaha, I feel for you. I was so proud of my shiny Metagross (less so of the many hours I sunk into hatching him) and now he's just another run-of-the-mill LOSER.
An rpg/shooter game in the style of Destiny/Borderlands would be a welcome addition to the Wii U as well. Not only would a game with online co-op be a welcome addition to Wii U (not to mention a good non-call of duty shooter), the Gamepad would make it easier to switch guns and add skill points seamlessly during…
I would also love to see a 3D Kirby game in the vein of Super Mario 3D world. With all of the different powers Kirby can absorb, there have got to be some interesting puzzles to construct in three dimensions that have been yet to be utilized.
I'd love an HD Side-Scroller Metroid or another game in the Prime series. Another idea I had would be a game that combines the view-shifting idea of Other M but makes it have more continuous flow. How about a Wii U game where one screen shows Samus in classic 2-D side-scrolling style, and the other one always shows a…
So far, PS4 ownership has been a little slow for me. Although I've enjoyed the PSPlus Games like Resogun and Mercenary Kings, I haven't spent as much time playing my PS4 games as I have working through my PS3 backlog. Recently, Infamous Second Son provided me with a real next gen experience, but it was short-lived…
These are all good and interesting points. I was a little saddened by how fast I flew through the game initially, but the magnitude of the worldwide release didn't hit me til a few days later. The reason end game seems sparse (compared to say, Black 2) is that a lot of the secrets and fun stuff are still being…
I just beat the Elite Four last night after marathon play since I downloaded it Friday night! I only died (er, blacked out) once while playing (last trainer of Victory Road with his Alakazam). You'd think I'd be a little bit more prepared for a first gen uber like that, but oh well!
I am having fun with it so far, in spite of the obvious flaws. Is there a crew on PS3 I could join with normal-ish adults as opposed to racist teenagers, whom I often seem to encounter?
No one will be my animal crossing friend either. It's real life all over again...
I think the fact that there are Pokemon clone shops online kind of takes the fun out of working really hard to train your own team. You can always just befriend a kindly shop owner on a message board and get whatever you need. On the other hand, it's nice to be able to randomly battle people online and test out your…