Worse even than Nigel Minge stage-lefting?
Worse even than Nigel Minge stage-lefting?
I know this is the internet and all....anonymous.....yada yada...but how could you not be tomato-red with shame-filled embarrassment for actually believing that?
Good call!
‘I guess that crosses chops Bill Cosby OJ Simpson off the list of potential replacements.’
I still can’t figure out why either of these shitcocks is on tv. Stephen A. is like a mockery of a parody of somebody who’s a caricature of a true failure at life.
While they’re at it, they could change their name from ESPN to
Those crazy New World Order fucks
I believe medical professionals refer to it as ‘The Douchebag Condition’ or Drumpf, for short
If that was a drag event, they definitely didn’t dress properly
‘This was especially true with Maseratis. 90% of Maseratis are middle class guys who are balling on a budget and have a restrictive lease and living in a condo.’
I believe that’s the actual Riot Act
Agreed. It looks like a total Gyllenhal to me as well.
Is it still runnin’?
Garage Queen
‘and had an insanely unsafe fuel pump modification installed by a previous prospective buyer.’
Happy trails, killer!
And all these years I thought his entire existence was devoted to starring in Annual Terrible Movie
Those aren’t pillows!