
Look at how this question was setup:

Do you like making everything about race and rape? Do you like websites that used to poke fun at power, but now just whine incessantly about anything white, male or straight? Do you like being part of the problem? Have you heard of Deadspin?

Now playing

This isn’t even close in my mind. Still to this day I get goosebumps. RIP Skip.

You cited two things he did as a teenager several years ago as some sort of definitive proof that he’s a bad person. But I’m sure you never did a single thing you regretted in your teenage years! Not you, internet moral man! Furthermore, what I’m referencing is that he spends all of his time doing two things. He’s

You are a pathetic excuse for a journalist. “Yet another instance”, because he’s been nothing but one public embarrassment after another since arriving in a Tampa, right? I mean, you wouldn’t actually ignore the overwhelmingly positive contributions he’s made to the community since arriving in the NFL bc of a

Except it’s literally not. It’s exchanged as bits and bytes and never becomes physical capital. It is traded on high volume deals in a world in which we have no access. It makes no couches, buys no food. It’s taking the concept of fiat currency to the ultimate end-goal: an agreed upon series of numbers that only the

The best part of Trump winning...the very best the unbelievable wave of butthurt pouring out of the liberal internet snowflakes that can’t fathom the fact that somebody they dislike had the audacity to win. I’m still kayaking on the tidal wave of liberal tears. So delicious.

You obviously don’t know why there was a Confederacy to begin with. It was not about slavery, that is what the North made it out to be, but it was about states rights. Obviously you are okay with the federal government controlling everything and not letting the States deem what they what as their laws.

I’ve never regretted being an alcoholic more than now. I’m TRYING to do the same, but it’s unachievable.

This needs more stars.

I cant figure out who is photobombing her photo. And now that I think of it, SHE is photobombing the breakdancer’s photo. Bitch.