
Don't vote...then STFU Loser

Lily white city?!?! You don't know Durham. We at one point had a black majority and in fact the city is thought to be "crime-ridden" by people in surrounding counties who are afraid of black faces. Don't confuse the Duke U population with that of the city - they are very different.

This demonstrates the complete misunderstanding of Economics by people that vote for politicians like Pelosi, Reid, and Obama.

And sailors. And engineers. And the economy surrounding a Navy base. And. And.

Like creating jobs building aircraft carriers?

Have big tits.

Fastest and easiests way to make money doing almost nothing.

so where are all the people that were defending the bikers again?

Pretty sure I dated one. He wasn't big on conversation, but loved to walk in the woods at night while singing some very odd opera arias while throwing rocks at campers and he had a real love of raw venison. Shy, but loved to cuddle. I have dated worse; I mean, at least he wasn't a lawyer.

Because people buy things off the rack and are afraid of tailors.

The jury had the option for manslaughter and found the state didn't meet the burden. There was no definitive proof that Zimmerman did anything that warranted manslaughter. It doesn't matter that the state didn't start there. The state needed to break self-defense before you could consider either, and they failed to

"I am not a grammer nazi or the secret spelling police, either."

I think these are annoying and pointless. I remove it from my signature on my devices. I am not tolerant of spelling or grammar errors in your email. If you send me an email in text speak, I am going to think you are an idiot. On the other hand, I don't care about short messages. If you are sending me an email or

If a dog attacks and kills a child, they put the dog down.

Well, don't break the law.

For all of you commenting when this first broke a few days ago that it wasn't a "big deal" — mainly because your boy Obama is at the wheel...fuck you.

She sounds like every reasonably intelligent drug addict I have ever known. Basically, she is 95% full of shit and lives in a delusional world most of the time. The 5% of truth is which drugs she took. I'm sure she's fucked a bunch of people and gotten away with a lot of BS but she's just as pathetic as my ex-friends